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Sun was going down and we were just at the beach. You, Davin, your friends and I just sitting and appreciating the beautiful sun that is about to go down.

Later that night, we drank some alcohol.

At that moment, I didn't care what will happend to me. I just drink and drink until I became wasted and unconscious.

I was careless

And it's my fault for being that..

I was wasted. Can't understand what I was talking and couldn't even stand straight.

I said I was going to rest.

One of your friends, James insisted on escorting me to my room.

Well, he's a sweetheart for escorting me but when he opened my room door, he pushed me aggressively and slam me in the bed.

All is blurry that time. All I could remember is that he took off his shirt and went closer to me. He kissed my neck, my chin going to my lips.

At that moment, I thought it was you. I saw your face onto his.

I was so tired and dizzy.

So, I just closed my eyes...

To HIM,Where stories live. Discover now