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"I'm sorry, Hayden." That came out from your mouth

A lot of things went in my mind that time.

I didn't know what to say.


"Apology accepted. Can I go now?" I said impatiently.

"Hayden, please. Tell me what you feel. I want to make it up to you." You said

I was silent for a moment but I'm tired of keeping it only to myself.

"What's wrong? This! This was all wrong from the day I met you. I regretted that ... because you became a big part of my life and even became a reason why I'm fighting in life." I said

You were silent.

"Do you know how it feels to be an outcast? To be taken for granted? To be left alone because a new better one came?"

"I didn.." you said.

I cut you off by saying, "Ofcourse you don't because you only think about yourself and you don't give a single damn to those people that actually cared for you and I'm one of them, Drake. I care."

"And you know what? You made me doubt my self worth. Thinking if I'm not enough? I was so insecure by Davin because your relationship with him was stronger in a short amount of time compared to ours and you know... when you became officially together. My whole world was crushed into thin dust because... beca ..."

"Because I'm in love with you." I said.

To HIM,Where stories live. Discover now