Chapter 1

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Hazel Eyes 1

This is a story that takes place before the fame. Before the adoring fans. Before the boy was known as Harry freakin' Potter or that gay boy on TV. This is my story. Let's start from the beginning, shall we?


The fresh January air chilled my cheeks. Unfortunately, I hated the cold weather. I was on my way to another day in second grade. I was worried that I did my math homework wrong, so I would have to ask Olive about that earlier. Though I think she was sometimes loopy and got lower graders than me, I trusted that she would try to help anyway.

I found my seat and chatted with Olive until Ms. Powell got up to the front of the class.

She brought with her a small boy with the curliest hair and cutest smile I have ever seen. His long, dark locks framed his fantastic hazel eyes. I nearly gasped at them. He seemed really strange looking, light colored eyes with a dark hair. It made me feel ashamed of my plain brown eyes and brown, straight, waist length hair. I noticed that I was trapped in those beautiful eyes of his. I couldn't stop staring at them. The color was just too alluring...

"Class," announced Ms. Powell, "this is your new classmate Darren. From now on, he will be in your class, so please try to help him feel more comfortable here..."

I barely listened to a word she said as she rambled on. I was just wondering if he was nice, or mean, like Philip. I'm sure that Darren wasn't mean. I could see the innocence in those perfect eyes of his.


Olive and I were so glad that recess time had finally come around. We had a test earlier and Olive was definite that she bombed it. I guess spelling wasn't her thing.

We were just swaying back and forth on the swings, talking about the new Barbies that Marie got last weekend. Marie's family was the richest in San Francisco. Her father owned the company that made those little light reflectors you see on a highway, and you can imagine how much they got from having them all over the country. Her family was also the most beautiful anyone has ever seen. Her wavy blonde curls and electric blue eyes made me jealous. I wish I looked like her, not with my straight, brown hair and brown eyes.

"I really want the Barbie set with the beach car! Ken needs a car desperately!" Olive screamed her wishes at me, wishing that her parents would notice this very important need.

"Olive," I replied calmly,"I don't think Ken would like to ride in a pink car around town. He would be the embarrassment of all his friends."

"Vicki, you never really care about this stuff, do you?" It was true. I always was more interested by books, especially fiction. But everyone else thought I was a party pooper, which I will also admit to being.

Right after Olive told me that, Philip came over to us with his posse. What a weakling, needing to have a posse to think he was stronger than he actually was. Anyways, he stood in front of us and started yelling. At me.

"Vicki, why are you so weird? You're so boring and ugly, not like Marie! Olive! Why would you hang out with such a weirdo?" He then proceeded to kicking the sand around us into our faces. My eyes were kind of itching, but I was more worried over Olive. She was pretty sensitive over me getting bullied, and I wanted to make sure that I was fine. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the silhouette of Philip against the sun, raising his fist.

"What are you doing to Victoria?!" I turned my head around to see an angry Darren. I've never seen him angry.He was usually pretty chill and calm. But not now. I could literally see a bit of steam coming out of his ears and his face was turning as red as a tomato.

Darren ran toward us, his back towards us, and blocked off Philip's punch, which looked like it was going to be nothing but a girly slap. Darren pushed him down to the ground and according to Philip's face, looked like Darren gave him the death glare. Philip started stuttering with his eyes wide open.

"You-you'll regret th-this!" Philip and his lame-o posse scrambled to their feet and ran like little girls. Wimps.

"Are you okay?" He looked at me with those big puppy-like eyes, looking genuinely worried about me, the boring girl.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Thanks," I said looking down. I was never the talkative type. That was Olive. I preferred to keep to myself and mostly only spoke to my close friend. I didn't feel like getting trapped in his eyes right now either.

"If he ever does that again, I'll come to your rescue, okay?" He gave a failed attempt at a wink, which ended up with him doing an awkward blink. Olive giggled and I couldn't help but crack a smile.

I nodded, and he grinned at me. He walked back over to wherever he was before. He probably came from the other side of the playground. How did he know I was in trouble?

Olive was a little shaken up, but while I comforted her, I noticed something. Darren saved us from bullying.

Darren was my hero.

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