Chapter 3

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Hazel Eyes 3

"Welcome back to school-"

"More like hell," Olive muttered.

Mr. Mulberry, the English teacher, overheard her and asked, "Did you say something, Ms. Greene?"

"Nothing, Mr. Mulberry," she said with a fake smile on her face.

Mr. Mulberry was probably the most hated teacher in our whole school. His eyes pierced through all our souls whenever he looked at us. With a hunch back and crooked nose, he looked like he belonged in an old horror movie. We've all wondered how on earth he got a wife.

"Good. Now, I hope you didn't spend your whole summer on the beach or in Hawaii or something when you should've been doing the reading assignment I gave to you. Did everyone read 'Romeo and Juliet' over break? If you didn't, just leave the class now."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a boy get up out of his seat and head towards the door. I didn't bother to look at him, but I knew that Mulberry would scold him, so I listened.

"Where do you think you're going?" Mulberry questioned the boy.

"Well you said if we didn't read it that we should leave. And that's what I'm doing." He looked scared out of his mind.

"And why didn't you read it?"

"I just transferred to this school and no one told me over the summer that we had to read a book. I'm sorry, this is my fault." He quietly waited for the punishment.

"It's fine, boy. That's understandable. Now, tell me your name."

"Darren Criss, sir," the boy responded.

"Mr. Criss, how about you buy yourself a copy of 'Romeo and Juliet' and read it as soon as you can?"

"Thank you, sir." He sat back down.

Mulberry turned back to the white board and lectured about how great Shakespeare is or something.

"Hey, didn't you think Mulberry was being kinda...nice?" Olive whispered to me. I nodded, not wanting to noticed. But this was weird. Maybe because it was only the first day of school that he let the guy off the hook? Well, all I knew was that this wouldn't happen again.

What was the boy's name again? D...Darryl? Danny? I'm not sure what it was. When you don't look and only listen, it's easy to forget what was said. It started with a D for sure. And his last name was Chris? What kind of a last name is that?

By the time I was done thinking about this, class was over. Time sure flies when you don't pay attention.

"Okay class," Mulberry said. "For next time, I want you write an essay about how the Capulets and the Montagues thought of each other in 5 pages." The whole class gave a big moan and whispered to each other about how they hated Mulberry.

Everyone left the classroom. On the way out, I saw a big mass of black curls. Hm, strange hair style. Someone needs a haircut.

* * * *

So, I finally wrote another chapter. Why do I suck so bad at writing stuff for you guys?

Did any of you watch AVPSY yet? I've watched it at least 4 times already. So good AHHH my favorite song was "I'm Just A Sidekick." Joey Richter, you are amazing.

And I have a tumblr that's not related to any of this at all and here it is if you want to check it out:

Thanks for reading and see you whenever I update next! Hopefully that won't take 7 months like last time. See ya!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2013 ⏰

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