Ink x Lost!Reader

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Ink is owned by his respective creator, and you own you!

I own the story love ya!

[Y/n]'s eyes looked side to side behind her closed eyelids yet she saw nothing but endless black surrounding her. She could hear everything, but at the same time she heard nothing..she didn't know how to think besides the fear, and anxiety that swept up her spine to the peak of her neck. She shivered in both disgust as well as utter confusion she had no idea where she was. Then as if someone allowed her, her eyes opened for her to be in her bed. Her eyes traveled to all directions as her breathing quickened from such fear she felt like she would succumbed to that eerie quiet. She tried to move her body, to at least wiggle one of her fingers yet, nothing it was as if she had been put under a spell that she was cursed to witness with her own eyes. [Y/n] in her own confusion tried to scream for help until wires, or some sort of string forced her lips to be almost wielded shut. They pierced her lips slowly before they went in several patterns to make sure her lips would never move except a twitch or a quiver. As if she had been startled awake she tried to fight off the pain that overcame her as blood poured out of the wounds she had now succumbed to to wounds that had been afflicted towards her. She knew nothing she tried wracking her brain as to why she was here yet utterly nothing, nothing of the sort came to mind she had come home from school went, and ate dinner then gone to bed without finishing her homework was that it was this some kind of awful justice because, she chose one day to not do her studies. Was she being punished for her wrong doings. You see [Y/n] was a normal girl, she went to school like everyone else, and did her work so maybe one day she would get that medical degree she always wanted. Though, it didn't seem like her luck was here to greet as she was brought back to her current reality of the gruesome pain she was suffering. Using all her will power her arm began to only twitch at first before it slowly rose up grasping the some of thread between her fingers as she wrenched at the several balls of thread that floated just barely in front of her face as if threatening her to make another move a needle not just any need a syringe flew at her face just missing a few centimeters from her left cheek her eyes tracked it in horror as she looked at the vile that had almost struck her. 

'What was that!' She thought to herself as she was now composing her thoughts, 'Where am I, and how did I get here!' Her thoughts were answered by an eerie laugh.

"How do ya think doll?" An inky tentacle reached out lifting her chin up as if to look at someone who wasn't even there, "To your right bitch." The person or entity laughed at her most definitely considering her an idiot she saw a monster with only one eye she wasn't sure how to process this though, her first reaction a glare.

"Oh what you think you scare me." He appeared in front of her grasping the escaping threads she had not pulled off just yet. He held it delicately before he pulled them out slowly as if testing her pain tolerance. The thought hadn't arrived to her until now, he thought of her as some kind of toy some kind of play thing that he was allowed to torture how ever he wished. [Y/n] wouldn't have that now would she no she didn't dare want to see what else this monster could do since she sensed he was just toying around with her. She realized he could seemingly read what she thought so she tried to keep her mind clear rid of anything that may enter besides her family that adored her. She did try to grumble but, was only met with a string of painful whimpers. What would she do she couldn't think of a plan she would just have to do a plan, she knew he would be able to tell of anything she lot of so what was she going to do. She was utterly stuck in a predicament. Letting out a pained breath her eyes followed his moving form she rocked her jaw as he took out the last thread her lips swollen and broken from the needles that peirced them. Then, as if they never existed they were gone. She didn't feel the pain so she reached up to touch her lips only to feel their normal texture. Her eyes immediately looked up at him.

"Oh, is someone upset?" He asked with a toothy grin. Leaning forward her grasped her chin between his index and thumb holding it firmly. "You're in my game now doll, and I ain't ever letting you go." His hands reached forward to wrap themselves around her neck before something flew past his face falling delicately onto the ground. His head whipped to the side to see what it was. His first reaction was a chuckle before he realized who's paint brush that really was.

"Nightmare let that girl go." A firm voice let put as a skeleton dressed in what looked like an artists wear stared at (Y/n) before planting his position firm onto the black abyss. His portal shut behind him.

Nightmare leaned back in the air letting out a demonic laugh as his covered his face with one hand the other shot to the side his tentacle following as it slammed (Y/n) into what to be guessed a wall. The colorful skeletons eye sockets widened as he ran to her grasping her tight into his hands anger was present as he shook.

"Oh is the little painter sad oh boo hoo." Nightmare taunted, "Ink I thought you were supposed to be a protector not some pussy weeper." Ink dropped her as he balled up his fist running at Nightmare who easily dodged, "Oh you really are nothing without your paint brush." Ink held out his hand for the paint brush to fly into it. He wrapped his hand firmly around the smooth wood as he threw his arm behind it a splatter of rainbow ink was produced onto Nightmares relm.

"Oh you wanna dance, fine let's dance." Ink said as he made a gesture as if to taunt Nightmare into getting angry. Well, let's say it did work. He flew at Ink with a mighty rage as he tackled Ink onto the so called ground. Inks arm flew to the right as a portal appeared he screamed at her to run to jump through. She didn't hesitate she ran at full speed rolling onto the snowy ground he had a saddened face as the portal closed he mouthed an 'I'm sorry.' she was confused as to why he would be sorry it wasn't his fault she was put there. Right?

(Part one I guess unless someone thinks this is a good place to stop for this chapter lol)

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