Chapter 8

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As the defense case ended Annabelle and Ross listened to their closing statements. Then Justice Lister summed up urging the jury to make the right decision.

"The jury will find him guilty, right?" Annabelle asked Ross.

"Of course they will. It's obvious that his witnesses were paid to lie. Any idiot can see that," Ross said.

The jury retired and everyone waited with baited breath for them to return. Annabelle who was holding hands with Ross squeezed his hand and he squeezed hers reassuringly. The two talked quietly and with Demelza as they waited for the jury to return. They could see George talking with Tankard as he waited and noticed that he looked confident. Then the jury returned and Justice Lister asked if they had reached a verdict.

"Yes your honor we have," the foreman said.

"What is your verdict?" Justice Lister asked.

"On the charge of rape we find the defendant.... Guilty," the foreman said.

George looked shocked then glared at Tankard. Ross and Annabelle hugged and Annabelle wept with joy.

"It only remains to pronounce the dreadful sentence of this court. George Warleggan you have been found guilty of the heinous crime of rape. Therefore, it is the decision of this court that you will be taken henceforth to the place of execution where you will be hung by the neck until you are dead. Take him away," Justice Lister said.

"It's over my love. Over," Ross said.

He and Annabelle left the court followed by Demelza. There they were surrounded by people wishing to express their delight in the guilty verdict. It was a relief to both that George would be hung and would not, could not bother them again. They did think of Cary and Nicholas who would be losing their son and grandson. They had been at the trial and they joined them.

"I am sorry for your loss," Annabelle said.

"Don't be. George is getting what he deserves," Cary said.

Annabelle debated whether to tell Nicholas and Cary about the baby then decided not to. They chatted with Nicholas and Cary for a bit as well as others then decided to head back to Poldark House.

"What do we do about my pregnancy?" Annabelle asked Ross once they were on their way back to Poldark House.

"There isn't anything we can do. You're pregnant and that's that," Ross said.

"I don't want this baby though. I can't love him or her. I won't," Annabelle said.

"Perhaps after he or she is born we can give him or her to Nicholas and Cary and let them raise him or her," Ross said.

"Maybe. I wouldn't want anything to do with him or her though," Annabelle said.

"Would you want him or her to see their sister? Grace will be their big sister," Ross said.

"I hadn't thought about that. Grace will be his or her half-sister," Annabelle conceded.

"Yes he or she will," Ross said.

Ross then rode out to where the place of execution was so he could witness George's execution. He had a satisfied look on his face as George was hung. It gave him a certain pleasure to see George's life come to an end. Annabelle had returned to Poldark House as Ross had felt it not appropriate that she witness the execution. After George was dead Ross returned to Poldark House.

"He's dead. I saw him hang. It felt good to see the bastard die," Ross said.

"So we are free of him forever. Good riddance to bad rubbish," Annabelle said.

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