The_Shire_Gangster's_Hampster perused around her vault while she waited for her team to arrive. It's been a week since she finished the main story and most of the quests in The Taken King, and now she was looking forward to completing the new raid, King's Fall. As much as she wanted to use her Gjallarhorn, it was unfortunately nerfed into submission and never raised to the prestigious 'Year Two Light Level'. She sighed, When will they arrive? I'm tired of waiting here!

Just as she was about to leave for orbit, Gandalf997 shows up in the Tower, still at Experience Level 34. "Hey, Shire!"

Shire crossed her arms, "You're late, Gandalf!"

Gandalf took a step back and anxiously laughed, "Me? Late? Never! A Warlock arrives when he intends to!" Both Guardians were silent for a good 10 seconds, then they both slightly cracked smiles, before bursting in laughter.

Shire ran to her Warlock friend, "It's great to see you again, Gandalf!"

Gandalf smiled, "Likewise!"

"Have you completed the story?" she asked.

"No, not yet," he paused before saying, "But we can do that now if you want."

Shire nodded, "Yes. And while we do that, why don't you tell me what college is like?"

"Absolutely!" As soon as they were in orbit, Gandalf started with, "But first, there's something you must know..."
Lt. Amanda Smith marched to Col. Henderson's tent with her scout team in tow. With them, they carried the weapons crates they looted from the ISIL caravan. Henderson looked up from his book to see a very cross Amanda inside the tent. "Don't you ever knock?" he asked.

"Not since this is a matter of national security," she said dutifully, "Remember that caravan we had to track and take down?"

Henderson played a look of confusion, "Yeah, why do you ask?"

She motioned for Tom Galveat and Private Freks to bring in a crate and open it. "Do you know what's in here?"

Henderson shook his head.

"Well," she said motioning to the now open crate, "these are some AK-47s, made in the good ol' U S of A. I wonder how ISIL got their grubby claws on them."

Henderson feigned ignorance, "They raided our camps?"

"LIAR!" she cried out, "You gave them the weapons! You betrayed our country!"

"No! I didn't! I swear!"

"Then let me read the manifest," she stormed back to the crate, grabbed the paper inside, and read aloud: "Contents: 8 AK-47s, 40 Frag Grenades, and 16 Flashbangs. Made in the USA. Signed and payed for by Colonel Peter Henderson of the U.S. Marines."

Henderson shook his head wildly, "I don't know how that happened! I would never-"

"Save it for the court!"
Senator Robert Wyrding defiantly sat in his seat, waiting for Congress to assemble. As soon as this is done, I'll hop onto Destiny and raid with my friends.

Tammi Anderson walked in and whispered into Wyrding's left ear, "The House just passed the bill to us. But Bartley has convinced enough Senate Republicans to stop this treasonous bill from passing. All we need to do is call it forward."

Wyrding nodded, "Good."

Soon enough, the Senate assembled and took to their seats, McConnor sat on the far right while Anderson sat close to the far left. Neumann sat center-left, Holden sat near Wyrding in the center, and Bartley and Keating sat closer to the center on the right side. Everything was set up.

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