Chapter 1

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That people, is my mom, screaming at yours truly for not getting out of the bathroom.

"Mom, 5 more minutes"

"You have been in there for an hour, Lee. SO GET OUT RIGHT NOW!!!"

"Geez,mom. Chill." I got out with my hair dripping wet and my dirty clothes clutched in my hand.

"What do you even do in there? How long does it seriously take to shower that 5 feet body of yours?"

"Mom!!! I'm a good 5ft 2.5!!"

"Oh! I didn't see" She shut the bathroom door on my face with that.

"Mom!!" Sometimes I really wonder whose the teenager between the both of us.

You must be wondering why we both were fighting for the same washroom, like aren't there any other in your house?

Well,that's the thing. I and mom love the same washroom and is stubborn to the point where we wouldn't bath in any other bathroom even if our life depended on it.

I made my way to my cozy room. Just seeing the blue walls itself makes my day.

I hurried over to mirror and rubbed my hair vigorously and stood up to drink in my look. I was in a casual look of a plain grey full sleeve tee with black leggings.

Satisfied, I jumped on my bed throwing my towel somewhere in the middle and switched on my tablet to surf through the recommendations in Wattpad.

After a while , and no eye catchy books, I opened the private message area and messaged my best friend Ashlynn Johns.


Within five seconds she responded

Hey, long time no see.

-Says the person whose been sitting in front of the computer and drooling over BTS ,forgetting all abt her BFF.

That's not true.

-So is

Is not

-Whatever, any new gossip?

Oh yes! Guess what? Jaden just posted a pout  pic of himself in instagram. And gosh, he looks terrible.

-Man, when will he ever learn a lesson?


-Well,anything new?

Nothing much,its seriously just the boring life droning on and on.

-Dude,seriously I'm telling u, u really do have the capability to write a book.

Maybe, but my lazy ass wouldn't agree with me ;-)

-God ,what will I ever do with you!!

Hey, mom's calling gtg,bye.


I sighed. I wonder when will I ever get out of this boring life.

Little did I know that I was wishing too soon.

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