Birthday Celebrations

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It was Neville Longbottom's birthday. All his friends were there to celebrate. Harry, Ron, Luna, Ginny along with Hermione and Neville were sitting on a table, exhausted from dancing earlier.

After recounting all their school tales and old stories, they all sat quite relaxed, a genuine smile played on each face.

This was the day they had all been looking forward to quite excitedly; they could not have met together for Harry's birthday: he was at No. 4, Privet Drive with the Dursleys.

For a while, everything seemed to have gone back in time, as if they were at the great hall, sitting together and laughing with each other, united after a long break.

"Nothing has changed much." They all liked to think; it was comforting to believe that while all major circumstances had changed, they still were quite the same, still very much pure at heart and ready to protect each other from danger.

Just then, the door burst open with a loud bang. All of them looked round at once, wands at the ready (Old reflexes took time to fade away).

Just as the door opened, they curiously looked at the newcomer, and some of them gasped. Standing at the door, looking slightly shaken, was none other than Draco Malfoy.

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