Mr. Blue || Lance X Male!Reader

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*your pov*

I hummed a little as I had waited for the team to return from a distressed call. It's been a while since they had gotten the distress call, which I kind of figured that they would be back because honestly I loved my baby boy, Lance. Speaking of him, I was thinking of asking him out, but then I don't want to because I don't want to seem weird to him or the others. 

"Y/N!" a voice called.

I had turned my head to see Mr. Blue, hence the Blue Lion's Paladin, Lance. I recently started to call him that because he seems so tough and all. That is one of many reasons of why I loved him.

"Mr. Blue you're okay!" I yelled.

I had ran over to him and hugged him, honestly I just wanted to kiss him instead, but when I had hugged him the other team members came into the room. I had pulled away and looked like nothing happened which Lance had tilted his head at me after I had hugged him. He was probably questioning why I hugged him. 

"Does anyone need medical attention?" I asked

I was the medic of the team, and took care of them alongside Coran,  but Coran more likely takes care of the ship and makes sure everything is running perfect. Technically I am the main medic of Team Voltron, so it was my job of making sure that anyone who got hurt was okay before going into the Healing Pods. 

Luckily no one needed attention, so the everyone else, but lance when to where the control deck was. Just to get congratulated by the Princess Allura and Coran. I had looked over at Lance who was still looking at me with confused face.

"Lance, there is something I should tell you" I started

"Go on, you know you can tell me anything, Y/n" He replied as he had set down his helmet.

My fingers had started to fidget. Why couldn't I just tell him? It's not that hard to tell him my damn feelings. I had mentally slapped myself, my eyes traveling from the ground to his legs and then to his face. My slender fingers had fidgeted a little more before I had closed my eyes. Suddenly I felt a pinch of electricity and something pressed against my lips. Opening my (e/c) eyes and saw that Lance had his eyes closed and his lips pressed against mine.

Everything was going so fast that it took me a minute before I had started to kiss him back. My hands had wrapped around his neck as he had placed his slender hands on my hips. Though I was a boy, I still had hips. A tick or two into the kiss we had separated because we lacked of oxygen.

(E/c) orbs looking into blue ones, a blush crawled onto my face. A smirk had rolled onto Lance's lips and I had looked away because I was slightly embarrassed by this. However that doesn't stop my feelings for him, I had looked back at him and then pecked his lips. A chuckle emitted from his lips as I had smiled a little.


"How long have you had feelings for me Y/n?" Lance asked me.

"Ever since you guys found me." I stated.

It was true, ever since he and the others of Voltron saved me from the Galra. I had liked him, which then turned into love. Thinking that Lance would think of me as some weirdo, I just bottled up my feelings towards the paladin.

"What does this make of us?" I asked

"A couple, of course" he had chuckled a little

Looking into his eyes I had smiled before I had kissed his cheek. My hands had wrapped around neck, then I felt his lips press against mine once more. The kiss eventually got more heated by his tongue swiping against my bottom lip. Though I want more than just kissing, I had denied the access of his tongue getting into my mouth. This had caused the paladian to growl in frustration and his hands had trailed to my hips and then to my butt. 

His hands had gripped my butt, which he had thought that if he had gripped my butt it would work, however, it didn't. When he didn't get a gasp from him gripping my butt, he had growled again before he had pulled away and looked into my eyes with lust.

"Oh Mr. Blue" I teased a little.

Suddenly I was being pulled along by him, I had looked at him as there were a few times that he looked back at me. It was just to make sure that I was following him. A dark blush had crawled onto my (s/c) colored cheeks as I knew where this was going. His Room. I had internally screamed the fact that it was with him, I mean it's a good thing it is right? I wouldn't take it with any other person besides Lance, in fact I would and will only do it with Lance. 

Hearing the doors opening had made me jump out of my thoughts as I was pushed onto the bed. So much was going to happen and I couldn't think straight because of it. Our lips met once more, I felt Lance's fingers brush against my shirt and then under it. How could I tell, because his hand was slightly cold, yet warm and sweaty.

I had tensed a little before without knowing it, my shirt was off. I had nothing to hide besides looking away because damn this was a heated session. It was tick or too before I had felt something wet go across my nipple, which then had harden. I had moaned a little because of the feeling, it felt so good. Lance had then sucked on my nipple before going to the other one. 

This caused my member to erect more than it already was. Another moan had escaped my lips as my hands had gripped the sheets on the bed. Lance had pulled away, taking off his shirt. Once it was off I had looked at his tone abs and my hands had trailed onto his abs. I had caressed his abs softly before I had moaned a little, looking down I saw that his erection was noticeable.

"Lance~" I moaned 

He had looked into my eyes, my eyes were pleading for him to continue. Which he did, he had looked down at me and took off my pants. I had blushed as I continued to look at him as he had took of my pants. A tick after I was only in my boxers/briefs  (idc which one), I groaned a little as I had rocked my hips a little.

"So needy~" he growled before he had wrapped my legs around his waist he had leaned down to me and kissed me. Which I had obviously kissed back, and then I had moaned into the kiss because I felt him grind against me. Lance had continued to grind against me, which had made me moan more and my member throbb.

"Lance- just fuck me already you fucking tease" I managed to say with a few moans in between in the words.

Lance had looked at me before one of those sexy smirks strayed onto his lips. He then took off his pants along with his boxers. I had gasped a little at how his member sprung up to attention. I had gotten up and then took off my boxers before I had pushed lance onto the bed. A sly smirk appeared on my (l/c) lips as I had pressed my torso to his legs. 

My hand had grabbed his member as he had winced a little with a groan. Licking my lips I had then licked from the base of his member to the tip of his member. After a tick of licking his shaft I had then put the tip of his member into my mouth. I had swirled my tongue around the tip before I had pushed my head further down on his member.

"F-fuck~" Lance moaned a little.

I had continued to bob my head up a little before I had felt his member twitch, which told me that he was about to cum. I had pulled away from his member and he had whined a little. Lance had looked at me with a mischievous look in his eyes, in seconds he had flipped us so that I was on bottom and he was on top. Once more he had wrapped my legs around his waist. I had moaned out in pleasure in the process because his member had pressed against mine.

He had grabbed his member and tapped it against mine, which had made be moan in pleasure and wince a little because it hurt a little. It also didn't help that I am much horny as he is. In fact precum had dripped from my member as he had done so. A grin arrived on his lips as he had then took his member away from mine. He had then pressed it against my entrance, which I had tensed to  when he had pushed himself in.

I had gasped as I felt his member fill my hole. I had drooled a little before he had started to thrust. My hands gripping the sheets I had let out another moan, my moans had encouraged him to thrust faster, which Lance had done. His hands had gripped my hips as he had continued to thrust.


He had throbbed once more inside of my hole, noting that he was about to cum. He had took one of his hands off of my hips and then placed his hand on my member. He had jerked his hand so that he was basically jerking me off. I on the other hand was in too much pleasure that I had came into his hand. When I came my hole had tightened around him and he had came inside of me.

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