Chapter Three

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 ~Ciel's POV~

Siri reluctantly agreed to hear me out and invited us in to talk. Undertaker watched her curiously as he followed the three of us into the shop. She was still livid. Anger rolled off of her in waves as she slammed two dusty beakers atop a coffin lid and proceeded to find a larger beaker in which to prepare tea.

"Sirius, tea isn't necessary." I grimaced as she removed an organ from a large beaker. "And I'm not drinking anything you make in that."

"You'll drink whatever I give you." She glared before smiling sweetly, "I'd say you owe me that much."

Her words cut through me like a knife. "Fine."

"Young master-."

I cut Sebastian off with a simple wave of my hand as I watched Siri mix the tea in the beaker that had previously held a grotesque looking organ in it only moments before.

She placed the beaker before me with a smirk, "Drink it."

My stomach turned as I saw what looked like tiny pieces of left over tissue swimming atop the surface of the murky brownish grey tea. I reached for the glass. Sebastian tensed beside me and Undertaker stared in awe as I picked it up and shakily brought it to my lips.

Sirius smiled, "I'd advise against it." She laughed as she took the beaker from my hand before I could pour any of the contents into my mouth, "Syphilis."

I stared up at her with wide eyes, "You were going to kill me?"

"Are you dead?" She asked me shortly.


"Then apparently not." She snapped, "Though if you are seeking your eternal rest go ahead and drink it." She sloshed the beaker in my direction, "It'll be a slow and agonizing death, I assure you."

"Are you ever going to let that go?" I sighed.

"Are you still betrothed to Lizzie?" She asked coolly.


"Then there's no way in hell I'm letting it go." She hissed.

Just how badly had I hurt her? How deep was the wound in her heart? I took a deep breath to steady my nerves, I had to hurt her again, I needed her help and this was the only way to do it. 'Please, forgive me Sirius.' I thought to myself before smirking at her confidently, "Perhaps I shouldn't have asked for your help, I require someone with at least the most basic form of people skills, which you apparently lack." I said snidely.

Undertaker held his breath.

Sirius' emerald orbs burned with fire and quick as lightning she had a scalpel in her hands and in the very next moment the door to the shop flew open and the boy from earlier rushed inside with a bouquet of red roses in his arms.

"Sirius, my love, please marry me!"

"SIRIUS NO!" Undertaker yelled as Sirius hurled the scalpel at the boy in the next instant.


My demon butler caught the scalpel just before it could pierce through his skull, causing the poor boy to faint.

Sirius stared at the unconscious boy with wide eyes before regaining her cool composure, "You're right." She smiled at me icily, "I won't be much help to you, so show yourself out and have a nice life, Ciel Phantomhive." And that's when I saw it, lingering in her dazzling emerald eyes, sorrow. She was hurting. My words and the promise I made to Lizzie five years ago had scarred her so much so that it warped that fun loving innocent girl into this dark angry young woman.

"I'm sorry, Sirius." I whispered as I turned to take my leave. I slowly made my way to the door, "Come on Sebastian, she can't help us."

"Ciel, wait-."

I could barely contain the victorious smile as I paused in the doorway, "What is it?"

"Don't get smug!" She shot angrily, "What do you need help with?" She demanded.

She saw right through me.

"I need a date to the Viscount of Druitt's ball; he's our main suspect in the Jack the Ripper case." I said calmly. She wasn't here the day before when we were all asking Undertaker for information and I suspected he didn't tell her about my case.

"A date?" A twinge of color flooded her pallid cheeks.

"Well, I need bait." I shrugged, "Apparently he'll go after any girl so you should have no problem catching his attention."

She glared at this, "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Honestly young master, that was purely tactless." Sebastian hissed.

"What did I say?" I groaned.

She smiled sweetly at me as she swiftly cleared the space between us, "I have a better idea." Her voice suddenly turned dark, "Why don't you put on a dress and do your own damn dirty work?!" She snapped before roughly shoving me out the door and slamming it shut behind me.

Sebastian looked on the verge of laughter the entire way back to the manor. Great, now what was I supposed to do?

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