Chapter Twenty

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~Sirius' POV~

I woke to the sound of faint knocking and sluggishly climbed from the heavenly plush bed grumbling under my breath cursing whoever made me leave the warm blankets. The door knob turned easily in my grasp and I answered the door with a yawn.

"Good afternoon, Miss Siriu-."

"You!" I hissed and reached for one of the scalpels tucked within my top only to realize that I was no longer wearing the outfit I boarded the ship in. My face burned with rage and embarrassment as I looked down to examine my current attire.

Ciel's demon butler politely offered me his suit coat and quickly averted his gaze. "You could have taken your time to answer the do-."

"I don't wear things like this!" I snarled as I snatched the coat he offered me and quickly threw it over my lewd attire. Esme apparently had an obsession with burlesque as I was now only wearing an emerald lace bustier with matching panties complete with garter belt and knee-high stockings.

Of all people to see me in such a state, Ciel's demon butler was last on the list. I couldn't allow him to see any weakness or vulnerability, he was my mortal enemy. Though it was strange, he wasn't attacking me.

"Why are you here?" I blurted plainly.

"The young master requested I deliver these to you." He stepped out of the doorway and motioned to the hall filled with bouquets of pure white lilies.

A small smile claimed my lips. "He remembered."

"May I come in?" He asked politely.

I stepped away from the door and retreated toward the walk-in closet hoping Esme or Emile had organized the luggage so I could find something suitable to wear in the demon's presence. The closet was bigger than my room back home and overflowing with the finest clothes I'd ever seen. A gasp escaped me.

"Miss Sirius are you alright?" The demon surprisingly rushed to my aid.

"What are you doing?" I threw him a skeptical look.

"I thought something was wrong."

"Then shouldn't you have rejoiced?" I challenged him.

"I'd not known the circumstances. You're not my enemy. You're just a weak broken hearted gir-."

I snatched a candelabrum from one of the vanities and swung it at the demon's head, "I'm not weak!" My voice came out in a snarl.

He caught my wrist with ease. "Nonetheless, you'd die to protect the young master. I may have use for you."

Blinded by fury and currently weaponless, I lashed out at him with my free hand and slashed him across the cheek with my nails. Blood bubbled to the surface where I'd struck him. "You're the only danger to him." I growled.

His iron grip encircled my other wrist and before I knew it I found myself backed into the vanity in the center of the closet. With deft hands he managed to grip my wrists together. A choked gasp caught in my throat as he gripped my neck with his now freed hand and I kicked futilely as I found my back against the mirror of the vanity.

"Just because I might have some use for you, does not mean you're not disposable." The demon noted calmly. "I've brought you a peace offering, perhaps you'd like to reconsider."

The coat he'd given me to cover myself with fell open revealing the sinfully provocative undergarments Esme had dressed me in and I felt consumed with rage and embarrassment. In a last effort I brought my knee up swiftly in an attempt to hit him in the groin only to gasp as his knee rose to meet mine.

"I will destroy you, demon." I hissed as my blood began to boil.

Sebastian's burnt crimson gaze rose for the briefest of moments catching the mirrors along the back wall to peer behind him. I strained to look around him but found myself immobile as his strong hand dug into my neck.

"Get your filthy hands off her, you vile wretch." Esme's voice shrieked from the bedroom, but it didn't sound like Esme. Her voice was dark and instantly sent a chill down my spine. It was the voice I imagined when I thought of death.

Before I knew what was happening Sebastian was wrenched away from me and his coat was suddenly ripped off of me. Gentle hands caressed me for the briefest of moments and I was shoved into someone else's arms.

Emile's scent enveloped me as he embraced me tenderly. His hand was at the back of my head keeping my face pressed into his chest like he was shielding my gaze from something truly horrifying. "Emile?" I gasped as I heard a strange blood curdling wail.

Lovingly, he streamed his fingers through my hair and affectionately caressed my skin in an attempt to soothe me. His lips gingerly pressed against my temple and I felt my stomach twist into nervous knots.

My heart raced as he continued to coddle me. His soothing touches and delicate kisses were maddening enough to drown out all my other senses. My body felt as if it were on fire and I struggled futilely to break away. I needed fresh air. I needed water. I needed space. The room around me felt suffocating.

"Emile." I squeaked his name once more as my knees began to weaken and I scrambled to cling to him in a meager attempt to keep myself upright.

"Sh." He cooed to me softly and swept me off my feet and carried me back to the main room of our suite.

I chanced a glance around the room, but Esme was nowhere to be seen and there wasn't a trace of Ciel's demon butler. "What happened?"

"Are you alright?" Emile asked me stoically as he laid me on the bed.

I nodded feeling somewhat stunned into silence.

His fingers lightly traced over my neck. There had to be a bruise forming from the butler's choking grip. "You're hurt."

"It's fine. It doesn't really hurt." Even as the words escaped me, I knew it was a lie. The bruised area was pulsating, throbbing with pain.

A gasp escaped me as his gentle hands encircled my wrists lightly pinning them to the bed. What was he doing? I opened my mouth to protest but quickly snapped it shut to keep from crying out as his lips tenderly caressed my neck raining sweet kisses all over my bruised skin.

"Emile." His name was nothing more than a soft sigh of contentment on my lips and despite my best efforts I found myself melting beneath him.

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