Chapter 18

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I walk over to a bench by itself, but where I could still see the group. We were still waiting for a few people so I had time to collect myself. I sigh and wipe away my tears that continued to fall. 'No. Stop crying. You can't cry. Stop.' I think to myself, forcing myself to not cry. "Ab, you okay?" A familiar voice says, causing me to look up. "I-I'm fine." I tell Calum as he sits next to me. "You don't look fine. What happened?" "Me and Liam got into a fight. I overreacted.. It was stupid.. But it still hurt. I mean, I would think that he would be there with me to go through that. Right? Or am I overreacting?" I say and he shakes his head. "No, you're not overreacting." He says and I look up at him. "Thanks, Calum.." I say and smile. "You're welcome." He sighs and smiles back.

We both look up as the chaperones call everyone over to figure out what we're gonna do next. "Okay guys! Now that everyone is done with the museum, it's time for the Smithsonian. So, if you want to go to the Air and Space part, head over there with Mr. Tattersall. If you want to go to the Natural History part, go over there with Mr. Stanley. And if you want to go to the American History part, go over there with Mr. Phipps." A teacher says and I head over to the Air and Space group with my friends. "Aw, guys! There's only two people in my group? Come on, who else wants to come?" Mr. Phipps says and chuckles. I look over at his group and see a couple girls, who I know and am kind've friends with. "Come on Olivia, come with me!" I say trying to pull her with me. "Uhh... No, I'll stay here." She says and I groan and look toward Liam, debating on whether I should ask him or not.

"Li? Can you go with me?" I ask him and he looks towards his friends, but nods and follows me over. "Awesome! We got two more!" Mr. Phipps says and I laugh and look at Liam, but he's looking at his friends who are calling him over. "Liam! Why'd you go over there? Come on!" One of them says and he looks at me, then back at them. He looks at me one last time before he runs over to them and my stomach drops. "Aw, well, down to three then! Or four again?" Mr. Phipps says looking toward where Liam just ran off to and I look over, hoping Liam was coming back, but am met with Calum's grinning face walking over. "I'll join you guys!" He says as Mr. Phipps grins and I find myself doing the same. "Awesome! Alright, let's go guys!" He says and we all walk out, starting our walk to the American History building of the Smithsonian Museum.

"Guys, wait a second. You want ice cream?" Mr. Phipps asks us when we've crossed the street behind another group. "Yeah?" We all say and he grins. "I thought so. Wait a minute or two while they get out of range, then you can get some." He says gesturing to the ice cream truck parked at the curb. We all nod and wait as the other group gets out of sight, then rush up to get ice cream and water. Once we all got what we needed, we continued the rest of the walk to the museum.

"Are you sure it's up here?" Mr. Phipps asks for what seems like the millionth time. "Yes! See? Look, it says 'American History Museum." I tell him, pointing to the sign that I read. "Ohh. Okay, thank you!" He says and chuckles as we all do too. We walk in and look around for a directory or sign or something to tell us where everything is. "Okay, so, where do you guys want to start?" Mr. Phipps asks us and we shrug our shoulders. "Alright.. How about we start with the wars, what you've already learned, it's still pretty interesting, and maybe by the time we're through it you'll have figured out where you want to go." He says and we all nod, agreeing.

We all walk through the war part, laughing and joking with each other throughout the way. When we walk out Mr. Phipps turns to us expectantly. "Alright, so do you guys know where you want to go?" He asks and I nod. "Yep. The bathroom!" I say and chuckle as everyone else does too. "Alright, you guys can go to the bathroom, but when you get back, you have to have decided where you want to go!" He says and we all rush off to the bathrooms. "Here, can you hold these?" I ask Calum, handing him my water bottle, bag and phone. "Uhh, yeah, sure." He says and I smile my thanks and hurry off to go to the bathroom.

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