Chapter 5

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( Guys I am so sorry I haven't updated, life has been super busy . I promise I will update more often and keep you entertained.)

Nick put the car back into drive and they were on their way again, and only God knew where they were going. He glanced at her for a quick moment and a coy smirk came across his lips. He then turned his attention back to the interstate as he started to make small talk with her that would become a deep and personal conversation. He caught her a bit off guard when he asked her what she had been dreading " So what are you running away from" A hint of curiosity in the tone of voice that same smirk on his face, but this time his eyebrow was raised with a hint of amusement. She grew defensive and very annoyed thinking he was being snide with her.

" What makes you think I am running away from something or someone?" Sarah said with a bit of an attitude as Nick gave her a smug smile. " Well, your hitchhiking on the side of the interstate in the middle of nowhere next to the woods. Now, tell me again your not running from something?" She glared at him he had a point , she rolled her eyes at him snickering a bit at his comment as a wide smile spread across her face, he wanted the truth . " Okay okay okay.You really want to know the truth?"

Nick starred at the rod and gave a slight nod" mhm" she took in a deep breath. " You asked for it. I am running from scary people in military gear, who are trying to kill me because I have magical superpowers that are super powerful." She said rather quickly with a hint of sarcasm trying to make the whole situation lighter then it actually is. E started to laugh hard almost a bellowing chuckle, she knew though that he wouldn't believe her but who would , she sounded absolutely crazy. " Fine" he said in a stubborn tone making a bit of a pouty face.

"You could of just said you didn't want to talk about it, you didn't have to lie and tell some crazy made up story or at least tell me something that was somewhat believable." Sarah smiled cleverly at him then diverted her attention out the window at the moving scenery. Her mind was feeling numb and her bod feeling drained from the exhausting events that had transpired. Once silenced engulfed them she began to zone out. Her heart began to race as she felt like she was back in the woods running for dear life. She eard men yelling to find her, and dogs barking behind her, she saw a flash of light when she blinked coming back to reality,swallowing the lump in her throat.

Sarah glanced at Nick very shaken up and breathing a bit hard.e heard her breathing and glanced at her then back at the road " Are you okay? You look a bit pale. Are you feeling car sick? Do I need to pull over so you can get some air? I can pull over if you need me to." Even though he was focusing on driving and concentration on the road there was a look of concern on his face.

Sarah snapped out of the daze and started to calm herself down and pretended it was nothing brushing it off . " Yeah , I'm fine. I was just zoning out." They started to talk here and there about their lives, or the life she did have before everything happened. He talked about his sister and how she just recently died, and she told him that she was the only child in her family. The more they talked the more connected she felt to him. After a few more hours out on the road they were both getting hungry and decided to stop and eat at this little diner right off the interstate in a tiny town.

They sat in a back booth just ordering drinks while looking over the menu trying to decide on what they wanted to eat. Nick finally ordered a burger and french fries and sarah ordered the same but with bacon on her burger. When they were both finished with their meals she paid for them, the whole time being aware of their surroundings. When they walked out it was late , about eleven at night. When they got in the car ick suggested they just sleep in the car for the night and leave he first thing in the morning, she gave a nod in agreement. She pushed her chair back and relaxed letting out a content sigh and then she looked over at Nick and he had instantly fallen asleep.

Sarah layed there for hours and hours, it felt like eternity . She finally sighed and went into the backpack and pulled out the journal silently. Very Uncertain of what she was going to read this time. She began to read the next journal entry, it was almost like pandora's box.

Dear journal,

I met my assignment today, and we hit it off great, she has accepted me as her friend.She took me to her house after school and I met her guardians. They looked very familiar to me and I can sense that they have great magical abilities, maybe the association wants me to get close to their daughter to get to them? I am sure her guardians suspect I have magic, but have not confronted me yet, other then that Sarah is good company, this assignment should be easy.

Sarah thought nothing could shock her anymore but this journal left her reeling and confused. Now her parents were keeping secrets,why would they keep this a secret from her? She finally closed the journal once more and slipped it back into the backpack. She laid back in the chair closing her eyes falling into a deep dreamless sleep.

Sarah woke early the next morning but when she did Nick was not in the car. A few moments later Nick got in the car with bagels and coffee and some bottles of water. He whispered to her with a smile " I got you something to eat. I thought you might be hungry." He handed her the drink and the bagle that he got for her, she smiled at him sheepishly "Thank you."

When he got his drink and food he settled himself in, he looked at her "ready to go?" She took a sip of her coffee careful and then nodded as she put the cup in the cup holder, They put on their seatbelts and he pulled out and they were on their way.

They had been driving for a while now and Sarah had just finished her last bit of coffee when she glanced at Nick with a smile. "So have you decided where we are going yet?" She asked him. He started to laugh at her "I was just listening to you, going where you wanted to go." Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped and she started to laugh with him, they were quickly interrupted by gunshots coming from behind them.

Sarah knew exactly who it was as she slouched in her seat trying not to get shot.She looked behind them seeing a black SUV on their tail. She smelt a familiar but pungent smell and then a image of Kate's lifeless body flashed through her head. She gasped and looked at Nick seeing his sleeve soaked in blood. Everything started to go in slow motion.

Nick winced and sped way up eventually losing the black SUV. He went off the road onto a dirt trail onto the woods, she grew worried as he pulled up to a big mansion and parked. He looked at her consciousness " Help me... to the door." She got out quickly and ran over to his door and started to help him out quickly. She helped him hobble to the door and rang the door bell.An older middle aged woman with greying hair and hazel eyes answered the door. She gasped when she saw the state he was in "Dear God, get in here!"

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