357 13 7

(Ht/C): Hometown or Country

(F/c): Favorite color


Recently, Signe had been visiting much more frequently than she had before. Most of the time she ended up staying the night because she'd make small excuses such as "It's too cold to be walking back home!" or "It's kinda dangerous for me to be walking back to my house when it's this dark..." My house had basically became her house. Not that I really minded, though. I enjoyed her constant company. The only thing is that, every time I get around her, I get that weird feeling again. I've mostly learned to ignore it, but it doesn't seem to be wanting to go away anytime soon.

"Signe! Have you seen the toothpaste?!" I yelled from the upstairs bathroom. She was downstairs making breakfast.

"I think I moved it to the bathroom down here!" She yelled back. I went into the downstairs bathroom to retrieve the item and stopped by the kitchen.

"Ya know, we're gonna need to get another thing of toothpaste if you keep moving it downstairs." I said as I watched her flip a pancake.

"And also, you do know that you can use the bathroom upstairs, right? I mean, if you can share a bed with me, you can share a bottle of toothpaste." I said with a smile. She turned to look at me.

"Well... I don't really want to intrude on your bathroom space. I mean, I have basically lived at your house for 3 out of 7 days a week, so I don't want to take all of your free space."  I shook my head.

"You won't be taking any of my free space at all. Hell, I've already gotten used to you being here all the time." I said with a small smile. She smiled back.

"Oh, alright... I guess I'll start using the same bathroom. But this is your warning: in the mornings, I am a total bathroom hog." She said with a small laugh and turned to continue making breakfast.


I was sitting in the living room watching some random TV show, when Signe came running in with a super excited look on her face. She jumped onto the couch, narrowly missing jumping into my lap. I turned to her in confusion.

"Uhh... What's up, Signe?" I asked.

"I just came up with the greatest idea ever! So, since I've been talking about you a bit on Twitter recently, a lot of my fans wanna see and get to know you! And what better way to do that than one of those Q&A's! Except we write our answers on note cards and reveal them at the same time to make it more... Dramatic!" She said excitedly. I stared at her for a few seconds.

"You want me to be in one of your videos?!" I asked incredulously. She nodded feverishly.


I stared at her for another few seconds.

"Are you sure? What if my face is so ugly it cracks your camera..?" I asked playfully. She playfully glared back.

"Yes I'm sure I want you in my video! Now c'mon, we're gonna do it in the guest bedroom! I already brought my recording stuff."

~~ Another (small) Timeskip~~

Signe had finally set up her recording things and she hit record on the video. I wasn't in the frame yet because she wanted it to be almost like a surprise.

"Hey guys it's Wiishu! And today, you may notice I'm in a different recording space than I normally am. Well, that's because I'm with my best friend, (Y/n)!" She said, and I popped into the frame from the side. I waved at the camera and smiled.

"Today, we're going to be doing a Q&A! But to make it more dramatic, we're writing our answers onto note cards. We'll reveal them at the same time!" She said, showing the note cards to the camera. I did the same.

"I sent out a tweet asking you guys to ask some questions for me and (Y/n). I picked about 15 of them and those will be the ones we'll be answering!"

"Alright, so the first question is simple: What's your favorite color?" Signe read aloud. I quickly scrawled my answer onto the note card and waited for Signe. She looked back at me.

"Three, two, one!" She said. We both revealed our answers.

(Y/n): (F/c)

Signe: Orange

I smiled. She motioned for me to read the next one.

"Alrighty. The next question is: Where did you grow up?" We both wrote down our answers and counted down. We both showed our answers again.

(Y/n): (Ht/C)

Signe: Denmark

We continued answering questions such as "Favorite plant?" "Favorite food" and "Favorite movie?" Until we finally got to the last question.

"Alright, guys! This is the final question!" Signe said, her voice full of excitement.

"So, it says: What's one thing that you've never told each other?" Signe said. I thought about it for a moment. I mean.... The only thing I haven't told her is that if I normally sleep half naked... I thought. I wrote down my answer and waited for Signe to write hers.

"Here goes.." Signe said.

"Three. Two. One." We said, and showed our answers to the camera.

(Y/n): I normally sleep half naked.

Signe: I love you.

I stared at her card blankly for a moment. Nothing went through my mind. Then, it clicked and my eyes slowly widened. I gaped at the woman next to me.

"Are you... Are you serious...?" I asked dubiously. She nodded at me with a nervous look on her face. I felt a grin form on my face as I practically tackled her into a hug.

"I can't believe it!" I squealed in happiness. She stared at me... Almost in shock.

"You actually... Like me back...?" She questioned. I nodded.

"Like you? I've been in love with you since I first met you!" I said while smiling at her. She finally let herself smile back at me. The thing that happened next shocked me. She pulled me to her and crashed her lips onto mine. My eyes widened for a moment, but slowly fluttered shut as I cupped her face. After a few seconds, she pulled away with a bright red face. I'm positive my face was the exact same shade as hers. After a moment, I spoke.

"Uhh... Do you think the camera got all of that..?"

I Wiishu The World {Wiishu x Fem! Reader}Where stories live. Discover now