three | S t r a n g e r s

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"Hilda! WAAAAIT!" At her blonde friend's urgent tone, Hilda skidded to a halt just before passing the sign that read "Route 1." She quickly turned around, expecting from that loud call that Bianca was hurt or something, but the other girl was completely fine.

"You made me think something was attacking you, or worse," she sighed deeply. "What is it?"

Cheren rolled his eyes at her behavior then spoke on behalf of Bianca, who was busy catching her breath. "She was telling me that, since we're starting this journey together, we should all take our first step into route 1 at the same time."

Midori and the other two starters showed up out of breath as much as poor Bianca — with the blonde nodding desperately to Cheren's recitation. They joined her on the ground, huffing.

Hilda, feeling bad now, approached Bianca and lightly kicked her back. "I'm sorry. I guess I got too excited..." She looked away, pursing her lips. "Let's do that thing you wanted."

Recovering as quick at magic, her friend jumped up and hugged her tightly. "Yay!"

The three teenagers lined up just before the sign, imagining a line in front of them and the nose of their shoes touching it by a centimeter. "One! Two!" And like that, they crossed over the line. Hilda and Cheren watched as Bianca smiled brightly, exchanging an amused glance. They'd do whatever they could to make her as happy as this.

Moving forward, the figure of Professor Juniper could be made out as they neared her. "Sorry to have kept you waiting," Cheren apologized for them all.

Juniper gave a small pout. "You had me worried!" She then cleared her throat. "Anyway, regarding the pokédex. Its pages update automatically whenever you meet a pokémon. Moreover, it's set up so that you obtain even more information when you catch that pokémon. I'm about to demonstrate catching one." She took out a poké ball from her lab coat and sent out a Minccino. She was able to locate a Patrat through the grass, which her pokémon was quick to jump at and chase out of hiding.

Patrat's fur bristled and it lashed out at the other normal-type with sharp claws. "Pound!" The professor ordered. Minccino began to smack the other creature with her tail, quickly dodging its snapping teeth. After that, she loudly growled in its ear and sent it flying with another smack to the face.

Juniper took out another poké ball before throwing it, the device lightly hitting the fallen Patrat and sucking it up in a red beam. The ball landed on the grassy ground, shaking twice or thrice, and then it dinged — signaling a successful capture. "See how it goes?" The professor looked over at the teenagers who were watching intently. "You must weaken a pokémon before catching it; though there are different ways of obtaining them. Some pokémon do exhibit the curiosity of wanting to explore and get stronger alongside people, so it wouldn't hurt to befriend one before asking it to join you on your journey."

After thanking her pokémon, she returned Minccino but released Patrat. "Ah, sorry about the sudden battle!" She offered a smile before healing the nervous creature's wounds. It eventually calmed down enough to stare at her with wide eyes. "You're good to go now." Quickly nodding, it dashed off.

"That's super sweet!" Bianca gushed, grinning at her friends. Kindness was the way to go!

"And to wrap this up in the best way, I have a gift for you all." The woman reached into her pockets to hand out five poké balls to each teen. "You already know these are for catching so there's not much else to say."

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2022 ⏰

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