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*Sophia's POV*

                "Ethan! Your so stupid!" I woke up to whisper yells. "Shh! She's gonna wake up!" another voice whispered. I sat up and turned on the light, It was the twins. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked them as they looked at me.

"The door was locked and we didn't wanna wake anyone up so we snuck into your room" Grayson said, "Oh, my room, but ok" They looked at me. "So leave" I said, they nodded leaving, Aaron started crying and I opened the door and walked to his room.

Aaron was standing up holding onto the railing with his finger in his mouth whining. "What's wrong buddy?" I asked him, He just reached out and I picked him up. I brought him into my room and closed the door.

I laid him beside of me and and tucked him in then going to sleep as he stayed close to me.


My alarm clock beeps as I sat up, I had to drive Avery to school, I hit dismiss and stood up, I got dressed in ripped skinny jeans and white crop top with a see through jacket, I slid on boots, I brushed my natural wavy hair then put on a necklace that had my name on it.

I picked up Aaron and brought him to his room laying him down. I knocked on Avery's door. "Come in" I opened it and she was brushing her hair. "Hi, what time do you have to be at school?" I asked her.

"7:30, I have an hour but I usually help make breakfast" She said, I nodded. "UGh stupid hair" She groaned, "Need help?" I asked her. "Yeah, I just can't get all the lumps out" She giggled, I walked over brushing her hair back then putting it in a ponytail.

"Ok, what time does Belle get up?" I asked her, "We have to wake her up at 7:15" Avery said, "Ok" I walked out and downstairs with Avery, She helped me make pancakes with toast and bacon. She knew what everyone liked too.

"Ok, Do you know what time your butthole brothers get up?" I asked as she laughed, "They take us to school so any minute now" She replied, "Ok" I finished and put the plates on the table. "It's 7:15, I will make sure the twins are up and you can wake up Belle" Avery told me.

"Ok" Did I mention Lisa is very organized? Well, she is. I walked upstairs and knocked on Belle's door then opened it. She looked over then rolled on her stomach groaning. "Time to get up" I said walking on the side of her bed.

"I know" She sat up and rubbed her eyes, I grabbed jeans and a shirt then socks and underwear laying them on her bed. I walked out closing the door bumping into someone, I looked up and it was Grayson.

He pushed me against the wall looking at my lips. "Gray-" He cut me off, "Shh" For some reason... I wanted him to kiss me, I wanted him fuck me right there, but then again... which twins and why?

"Stop" I looked down pushing him away, "You know you want it" He winked walking downstairs, I bit my lip looking at him then walking into Aaron's room. I slowly rubbed his back waking him up.

"Come on little guy" I picked him up and laid him on his... Table? Like I said, they are really rich and have weird shit most people don't. I laid him down changing his diaper then put him in a striped grey onesie with cute blue jeans and grey socks.

I brushed his thin hair lightly then raised him up as he sat there, "Are you hungry?" I asked him, He nodded and I picked him up, I walked out knocking on Belle's door. She opened it putting a bow in her hair.

"Ready to eat?" I asked her, She nodded and we walked downstairs. "Bye!" Avery yelled as Grayson walked out with her, "Bye" I told her, they left and I sat Aaron in his highchair. I cut his pancake up and fed him as I ate also.

"Let's go little B" Ethan said, She stood up putting on her strap shoes as they left. "Ok, Wanna watch something while I do dishes?" I asked him, he just smiled at me with his syrup covered face.

I cleaned his face with a rag then let him run free into the living room, it had baby gates around it so he couldn't escape. I started doing dishes, I felt hands on my waist as lips hit my neck. I set the rag down and shaking my hands clean, I turned around and it was Grayson.

"Stop, please" I told him, but... I didn't want him to. "I don't want to" He brought my chin up with his finger, I looked at him and he looked at my lips. "But I want you to" I moved his hands then walked over cleaning the table.

I felt his bulge press against my ass as I was bent over reaching to the end corner, I accidentally moaned.

I raised up pushing Grayson off. "Seriously stop!" I snapped, he chuckled walking upstairs. I threw away the rag then walked into the living room checking on Aaron.

He was watching 'Bubble guppies'.

I sat him on my lap as we watched it, Ethan walked in tossing his keys on the counter then sat down on the couch. "Efin!" Aaron smiled reaching out to his little brother.

"Aww come here buddy" Ethan grabbed him and threw him up in the air, I smiled as Aaron giggled.

I scrolled through my phone as Ethan sat Aaron down to play with his toys. "Give me one reason why you won't fuck me" Ethan said, "Your a fuckboy" I answered truthfully.

"I am not" He defended, "Ok, Go the rest of the day, and tomorrow, maybe tomorrow night you will get something" I winked, "Deal" He smirked, I nodded and he walked upstairs.

Soon the girls were home and I was helping them with their homework. "Yes that's correct" I told Belle as she asked me about a question.

Soon they were done and I walked into the bathroom, Grayson watched Aaron for me while I Took a quick shower because I needed one. I stripped down then stepped in letting the water flow down my body.

Someone knocked on the door, "Someone's in here" I said, they stop, I heard the door creak open, I slowly opened the curtain... It was Ethan. 

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