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*Sophia's POV*

"I choose Grayson" I quickly said closing my eyes, "What?" Grayson asked, "I choose Grayson" I said slowler.

Ethan looked up at me with hurt eyes, what am I doing? They're twins and i'm tearing them apart.

"Oh" Ethan mumbled, Grayson looked up smiling but then hid it. "No hard feelings?" I asked E, "yeah yeah of course" He responded.... Then left.

I looked at Grayson, "What's are we then?" I asked, "Whatever you want" He responded, "So i'm guessing we're dating" He added, "Yeah" I mumbled. "Do you think Ethan hates me?" I asked.

"No, he'll get over it" Grayson rolled his eyes, "Are you mad at me now?" I asked, "No, my brother is being a dramatic bitch" He shrugged, "Wow Grayson, you would have acted worse and you know that, maybe I should've chose Ethan" I walked out and downstairs.

I began making lunch for the kids when Grayson walked down. "I'm going out, anyone need anything?" He asked, "Get me candy!" Belle smiled, "Maybe" Gray chuckled, "Need anything?" He asked me.

"No" I responded, he nodded walking out, After I was done, I sat everyone at the table with grilled cheese. "I don't like it" Belle whined, "what do you want than?" I asked, "Candy" She responded, "But you have to eat real food first" I told her.

"NO" She whined, "Belle, eat or no candy, keep throwing a fit, you're going in time out" I told her, "NO" she screamed kicking me, "Go to your room, you don't kick people" I said pointing upstairs.

I picked her up as she tried to kick free, I carried her to her room and sat her on the bed and walked out shutting the door. She opened it but I closed it again holding it shut.

"What's going on?" I looked over, Ethan's tired eyes were squinted studying me. "Your sister won't listen" I sighed, "Belle, Listen ok" Ethan demanded, She groaned then the door didn't move anymore.

"Thanks" I smiled, He nodded with no emotion, "Can I talk to you?" I asked, "I don't know can your?" He asked, "I think" I responded, "You can? So your not gonna tell me how sorry you are for not choosing me and then just fuck me and we forget everything" He said.

"Ethan that's not-- Let's talk" He rolled his eyes following me into his room as I sat on his bed, "The reason I chose Grayson.... You don't deserve me, i'm... a nobody, E I umm I'm not going to make it, I can't make it, my life is too stressful, trust me, i'm going to push Gray away and be left with no one" I sighed.

"You're everything to me.. Soph you're the reason i'm alive, I wasn't a popular guy in school, I was bullied, so was Gray and we didn't really tell our parents, but you make me so much happier" He rested a hand on my cheek.

"I'm sorry E, I didn't know" I sighed, "Shh it's ok" he gently pushed his lips on mine as they began moving in sync. "This is wrong" I pulled away, "Your right.. I'm sorry" He sighed, "It's ok" I stood up opening his door.

"I love you" I heard Ethan mumble, I turned around, "Did your say something?" I asked, "No" He sighed, I nodded, I heard him...

I walked out, I opened Belle's door she was setting down pouting. "Belle, if I make you something else will you eat it? Than your can have candy" I told her, "Ok" She hopped up following me downstairs.

I made her some noodles and she ate them, Grayson walked through the door with a few bags as Belle hopped up, "DID YOU GET MY CANDY?!!!?!?!?" Belle jumped up and down, "I did" Grayson chuckled setting the bags down.

He walked over to me, "I'm sorry, your right, Ethan wasn't be dramatic" Gray said, "Mhmm I know" I smiled, Grayson chuckled, He grabbed my waist kissing me as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

Will I push Grayson away???

He pulled away smiling, "I love you" He said, "I love you too" I smiled, He walked away dealing with Belle and her candy cravings.

I had a feeling, a weird knot in my stomach, Like something happened--


A/N: I'm alive, almost wasn't but I am now... I had to go to the hospital, if you wanna know more text me (You prob don't want to lmao) Anyways, i'm thinking about doing an imagine book... yes or no... will accept request :) 

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