The Girls Leave and a Big Surpirse

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Taylor's P.O.V.

The girls leave today. Lexi is going with them. She needs to pack up her stuff. 

The boys said they have something big to tell me. I wonder what it is and Louis said he had to ask me something. I'm sitting in the living room with the girls staring at the boys.

"Boys tell us what's going on, our flight is in 5 hours" Lexi demanded 

"Well in two days us boys are going on a world wide tour" Zayn said sadly 

"That's cool guys, um how long is it this time?" I ask 

"2 years" Louis and Niall said 

I just heard my heart break. Two years without my brother, two years with my boyfriend, two years without all of them.

"Taylor-" was all Niall said before I ran out of the room

When their gone, I'm going to be here. My career is taking off, I start my "Make it Shine" tour soon with Lexi. 

I ran to my room and shut the door. I fell onto my bed sobbing. There was a knock on my door.

"Taylor?" It's the guys 

"Come in" I say

They come in. I stand up from my bed and looked at them.

"Two days, two days is all I have left with you guys" I cried 

"Taylor, you know we're with you know matter what" Liam said 

"I know, but promise me you'll all call me, facetime, and everything" I say 

"I promise love" Louis said walking over to me 

"I promise baby sis" Niall of course said 

"We all promise Taylor" Zayn said

I attacked them in a group hug.

"Liv, we have to go" Ana said 

"Right lets go" I said

Everyone but Louis walked out of the room.

"Lou, babe lets go" I said 

"No hold on first, I have been meaning to ask you this for awhile now" he said 

"Ask me what?" I ask  

"Taylor I know your 17, and it's illegal for us to be together. But I don't care about that. Age is nothing but a number. I wanted to ask you a big question" He stated 

"And what would that be?" I ask

He got down on one knee and pulled a blue box out of his pocket. I gasped and smiled.

"Taylor Ranee Horan will you do me the honor of being my wife?" he asked with hope clear in his eyes 

"Yes" I shout as tears fall down my cheeks 

"Thank god, I thought you would turn me down, for asking you when you not 18" he said putting the ring on my finger 

"Louis, I would be an idiot if I did" I say smiling at him

He kissed me right when Niall and Ana came into the room.

"Taylor why did you shout yes?" Ana asked 

"Look at my hand Ana" I say smiling

Ana's P.O.V.

I looked at Taylors hand and saw a ring. Did Louis propose?

"Yeah I did Ana" Louis said 

"I said that out loud, right?" I ask 

"Yeah you did Madds" Taylor said

I look at her hand and scream. The others ran in.

"What's wrong?" Liam said

I said nothing and tackled Taylor to the floor. My best friend is getting married!

"Madds we have to go" Taylor trying to push me off 

"No, I want to stay here, and help you plan it" I say 

"Maddie, we're waiting till I'm 18" she said 

"What are you talking about?" Adrienne asked 

"Oh Louis just proposed to Taylor" Niall said

The girls scream, while the guys looked shocked. I got off of Taylor and helped her up. 

We left the house because we only had an hour left.

*skip car ride*

Zayn's P.O.V.

I'm right now holding a crying Adrienne. I'm going to miss her.

"Adrienne, you know I love you right, and you only have a year left in school" I said 

"I know Zayn, I love you too" she said pecking my lips

Niall's P.O.V.

I'm standing here with Ana hugging and not letting go. She's not leaving me!

"Niall please let here go, she only has a year of school left" Taylor said 

"I know that, but don't want her to go" I say 

"Niall I love you" Ana said 

"What?" I ask shocked

We haven't said I love you to each other before.

"I said Niall I love you" Ana repeated 

"I love you too Ana" I said kissing her

Harry's P.O.V.

Me and Liam were talking to Lexi and Dianna when Sophia came.

"Hey baby" she said kissing Liam

I looked at Lexi and she looked hurt. Dianna looked grossed out. I grabbed their hands and pulled them away from the now making out 


"I hate her, I hope she's not at the house a lot" Lexi says 

"She will be Lex, but I'll be here for you" I say pulling her into a hug 

"Thanks Harry" she says 

"Lex, Taylor wants us" Dianna said

I let Lexi go and they leave.

Taylor's P.O.V.

Right now I feel like crying again. I'm standing with my four best friends.

"I'm going to miss you three" I say to Adrienne, Ana, and Dianna 

"We going to miss you to Tay" they say 

"I'll see you soon Lex" I say 

"Yeah" she said 

"You guys know even if we're a part were always together" Dianna said 

"We know that Dianna" Ana and Adrienne at the same time

We all laughed. We pulled each other into a group hug. Their flight was called.

"Bye girls, I'll see you soon, remember if you need me, I'm only a call way" I say wiping my tears 

"I love you" they say 

"I love you guys too" I cried

The girls left to board their plane as Louis and Niall came and comforted me. 

My best friends are gone and only one is coming back. The boys leave in two days. A lot is going to happen.

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