{4} Grandma Mary

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Klaus walked down the stairs in the Abattoir and was calling out for Hope and Skye, "Hope? Skye?" Klaus stopped in front of a mirror and he looked in it. He looked at it with an almost terrified look. What he was seeing was terrifying in his eyes, but he would never say that out loud.

"Today you will die at the hands of Marcel, unless you kill your enemy first." He heard Mikael say in the mirror.  Then, he saw someone walk behind him in the mirror. When he turned though, he saw nothing. Klaus walked under the staircase and looked, but still didn't see anybody.

Hope and Skye walked out in front of him, "Dad? We're ready to go." Skye said to him in a soft voice.

"Aren't you coming?" Hope asked him. Klaus looked down at the two girls with a blank look on his face and nodded. Awhile later, Elijah and Klaus were walking through the compound.

"You need to go to the bayou without me." Klaus told Elijah. Elijah glanced over at Klaus confused.

"Why?" Elijah asked.

"Take Hope and Skye. I'll be right behind you." Klaus said ignoring the question.

"Why?" Elijah questioned him again.

"My daughters nearly died. I have to make sure the threat to them is over." Klaus replied. Just thinking about his daughters almost dying made him so angry. He was going to find whoever was doing it to them and he will hurt them. Nothing could hurt his daughters and get away with it alive.

"Not without me you cannot." Elijah said. The two stopped walking and stared at each other head on.

"Brother, Marcel loathes you most of all. Freya will help me here. I need to know my children is safe. You and Hayley can assure that." Klaus explained to him. Elijah said nothing else and Klaus walked away before he could say anything.


Hope, Skye, Elijah, and Hayley all walked through a field of flowers. They were on their way to Mary's house and the twins were so excited. They haven't saw Mary in awhile and they really wanted to see her again. Hope and Skye stopped every once in awhile to pick some flowers. When they finally got to the house, Hope and Skye rushed to the door knocking on it. Mary opened the door with a wide grin.

"Grandma Mary!" Skye and Hope called out excitedly.

"Well, hello, sweethearts," Mary bent down and gave the two girls a big hug. "Oh, my girls. Oh."

"We picked you some flowers." Skye said holding the flowers out to Mary. Mary took them and thanked the girls.

"Honeys, darlings, why don't you run on inside. I need to talk to your mama." Mary said. The two girls nodded and walked inside the small home.

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