{10} The Hallows Are Still Alive

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   Skye and Hope were in their bedroom that they shared, both of them sitting on Hope's bed with two blank sheets of drawing paper and crayons with them. Hayley walked in a few moments later, "Hey, sweeties. Drawing something?" Apparently all she had seen was the sheet of paper, because they hadn't drawn anything.

   "Yes," Hope replied for the both of them, as the two kept looking at the blank sheet of paper and up to their mother. The two seemed to share a secret smirk, but Hayley never saw it.

   "What're those supposed to be? Snowstorms?" Hayley joked, as the two just stared at the blank paper. Hayley sat down on the bed with her daughters, chuckling. She picked up a brush and started to brush Hope's hair, before moving to Skye's. "So... now that all this trouble's behind us, I thought the three of us could have a chat about what happens next. I know you both want to have a normal life with friends and school and art and sports and..." she trailed off, then noticed her daughters were sort of spaced out, "Hey you okay?"

   "We're fine, mom," Skye replied for the both of them. However, Skye didn't seem like herself. Something was up, but Hayley just couldn't put her finger on it.

   "Girls, if you're worried about the Hollows... don't be. Everything's okay now, I promise," Hayley promised to her daughters, trying to ease their worry and assure them they're safe. Except, one problem with their "insured protection" is if the Hollows can get in from the inside, they can kill off that "protection" right under everyone's noses. Hayley held two fingers up and kissed them, trying to do their little special mother/daughters gesture. However, the Hollows didn't seem to recognize it.

   "Can we go back to our drawings?" Hope asked, with absolutely zero emotion in her voice. It seemed that Hayley — though didn't mind it — seemed surprised at that.

   "Sure, yeah," Hayley said to them, a bit awkwardly too. But it didn't seem to ruin anything that was going on, other than the fact that her daughters were acting off and it wasn't because of the Hollows. Or was it..?


  Hope and Skye are stood by the fire in the fireplace. Hope takes off her bracelet and Skye takes off her necklace, and they both drop them in the fire. However, they were caught by their aunt Rebekah. But why in their right minds would two girls with so much protection take their jewelry off, I wonder?

   "What're you two doing?" Rebekah asked them, both shocked and confused. If anyone knew the girls, it was her. She raised them in their infancy and got not a single thanks for it, unless by Niklaus. But Rebekah did it willingly, seeing as she had always wanted to raise a child at some point in her life.

   Her two nieces walk towards her, as Hope starts. "We can't be strong for our mommy and daddy if we can't do magic," she said, and Skye added her own to it, "Our magic is what strengthens us. We have to use it to help protect our family."

   "Girls you don't have to protect them. We're all here to protect you. Now, let's get your jewelry," Rebekah assured the girls, but they both denied their aunt instead of going to get it. "Sweethearts, in a thousand years our family has never been bested. There's nothing that can defeat us," she said to the girls.

   "Well, there is one thing," Hope said, and Skye, or Hollow Skye used her magic to make a piece of wood fly off of the walls, and it seemed to stake her aunt right in the heart, and now Rebekah is temporarily immobilized, due to being "dead." She turned grey and veiny, as most vampires do, and fell over.

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