Old Vs New

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Jax Pov

Following the recent events that plagued my mind, I couldn't stand the thought of losing Amethyst. The odds were against us I know, but I was determined to keep her, love her, make passionate love, protect her and hopefully make her my wife someday. I want her by my side, mother to our children, and to Abel. I got to get this shit handled and fast, Clay has got to step down and it's time for new change, a new era for Samcro and if no one likes it, they can turn their kuttes over and burn their samcro tattoos off and leave charming, I don't care. Samcro is headed in a new direction, a better future. My son and future sons will reign leaders of Samcro, I'm the prince of Samcro and I will be king, blood will spill and i will spill Clay's if i have too to take back the gavel, the rightful hand, a Teller will rule Samcro again and always, with my queen beside me and my children, grandchildren. Samcro will live on 100 years from from now.

Gemma POV

I'm worried about Jax," she told Clay. You think he straying, may go nomad. Clay shakes his head. Jax may be hot headed, but he ain't stupid, he so wrapped up in that black pussy lately, he ain't thinking straight about the future of the club, this girl, something ain't right about her, she hiding something, nobody just comes to charming to start over, I will find out who she really is, look I don't want Jax to get hurt, but he brought it on himself, he is grown ass man, Jax likes to get his way, you spoiled him Gemma, as long as I'm breathing, I run the club and Jax better get with it or he is out...period. He will never be John, not while am alive,"Clay said with authority.
Gemma looked at Clay, she knew things were about to get uglier between him and Jax. She nodded her head and went back to her feeding her crows. She loved her son, she would die for him, she wanted him to step up to take the gavel, and she would make sure he did, even if that means getting Clay and Amethyst out the way, no one was going to take her son and grandson away from her, she gladly take his or her life, family was everything to her and no one was separating hers. She loved Clay, she did, she knew how psycho he can get, so when it came down to it, if she had to choose between Clay and Jax, she choose her son. "God help us please, she thought." Bring back the unity of the club, keep us above the blood and not drown in it for good."

Amethyst POV

I will reign as old lady for I love Jax Teller, and I will not let anyone scare me, not his mother, Clay, or anyone, there will be change, there will be color amongst Samcro, I will fight and I will help Jax till my heart gives out, I come to love little Abel, I'm up for a challenge and I will, I know it's not going to be easy, I will prove to Gemma I have what it takes to be an old lady, Samcro get ready, a new king and queen is about to rise, the new era for Samcro is coming.

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