Chapter 9 | Talks

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 His soft lips were cold and tender. He cupped your face while your arms made their around his neck.  You enjoyed his touch and for what seemed like forever, you two parted. Loki still hovered over your lips. His cold breathe hitting your cheeks.

Loki smiled sweetly, not his playboy or charming smile. His smile was sweet and showed affection in it. "You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that.." he purred into your ear. Your face was burning red, you smiled anyway.

"I do, and how charming." You said in a cocky way. You two laughed lightly. His smile grew from ear to ear "Now I see how you're Tony's sister!" he laughed. You playfully slapped his shoulder "Hurtful!" you spat playfully. His laughing lowered before him silencing it.

The god faced you with hopeful eyes "Hey, (Y/N)..." he said in a soft tone. You cocked your head up "Yes?" you said. His eyes sparkled with a mix of feelings. Fear, happiness, hope and dread. 

Your eyes slightly shifted into a golden color as you used your powers. His mind was clear only thinking about one thing. I hope she says yes to being my girlfriend... his mind kept repeating those words. You smiled and your eyes shifted back to (E/C). 

"Yes, I will" you said while blushing strongly. You felt like crying tears of happiness as they started to form in yours and his yes. He smiled and wrapped you into his arms, he kissed you with passion. You kissed back as tears streamed down both of your faces. The kiss was deep and filled with love until...


You two whipped around to see the maddest Tony you would see in your life. Your heart sank "Loki, you better run..." he nodded quickly before using magic to leave without a trace. You turned back to your brother who was stomping towards you. His face was red out of fury, his fist were trickling with a few spots of blood, and if looks could kill, you would be dead and out the window. It was times like this you were scared of your big brother.

You tried to run but was caught by your the hood to your hoodie. You were being dragged to the two chairs in the back of the room. You didn't even try struggling, his grip was too strong. You were basically shoved into the chair as Tony sat down in front of you looking pissed. You gulped "T-Tony, I know""YOU KNOW WHAT!? ALL I KNOW IS THAT I SEE YOU KISSING THE GOD OF LIES!" he screamed at you. You squirmed to the back of the chair.

He sighed "He loves me! And so do I!" you shouted to your sibling. His eyes were now blazing with fury "(Y/N)! HE IS ONLY SAYING THAT! THE IS THE GOD OF LIES! DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND!?" his voice shook the room.

You felt tears of fear stream down your face, you were inching away from your once kind and loving brother.  Tony sharply sighed "I am sorry, I just don't want you too get hurt. I love you too much for that." he said in a soft voice.  He pulled you into a hug.

You hugged back as the tears stopped. Both of your heads lifted up and faced the wall to your left, there were the muffled booming voice of Thor and Loki fighting. You felt sadness linger in your eyes "Poor Loki..." your mutter was so quiet tony didn't hear it. 

Tony chuckled "Thor just cares about you, we all do. That's why I got all worked up" his smile faded as he was deep in thought. Your eyes shifted again. His mind was thinking about the most horrible ways Loki could hurt you. One of you being beaten by your lover. You pulled yourself out of his mind, eyes were normal now. Tony had tears forming in his eyes.

You tightly hugged him "I'll be fine, I got the best person ever to protect me!" you yipped in joy. Tony looked at you "Thor will protect me!" you said. Tony's gaze hardened "You're such a tease.." he slightly growled. You giggled and kissed his cheek "You too Tony bear." you purred. 

You said you good night to him then changed into night wear. you snuggled up in to your bed while holding Tawny in your arms. Tawny curled up next to your stomach and purred himself to sleep. You drifted off to sleep while thinking about you lover...

He's Strange, So I am I | Loki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now