How your relationship was announced

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James: A picture - You post a picture with him on your personal instagram, and people catch on eventually. You both choose not to post much after this, to maintain privacy, but everyone is very supportive whenever you do. 

Aleks: Twitter/Livestream - Your friendship included several playful tweets back and forth, so when they became flirty, fans pestered him for answers. Eventually he caved and confirmed it officially on a livestream. You came on live with him later on to introduce yourself, and it went much better than you expected, so you were happy.

Trevor: Snapchat - A few dumb pictures playing with the filters, and Bahduh-Bing, Bahduh-Boom, Trevy got a girlfriend!

Brett: Never - Neither of you really see the need to publicize things, so you simply never address it. Everyone close to you knows about your relationship, and that's enough for you.

Joe: A picture - After awhile of being together, you both decide to share the pictures and story of your first date. The announcement doesn't make many waves, and you are thankful for that.

Lindsey: A picture then twitter - A picture started circulating of Lindsey kissing your cheek under the mistletoe, and after things cooled down you both made New Year's posts dedicated to each other, confirming the rumor.

Aron: Never - You both weren't very social media heavy, and didn't feel obligated to share your relationship, so you didn't.

Asher: A picture - As soon as you get together, you constantly pop up on each other's pages, leaving little to be guessed. You never officially announce it, but it's abundantly clear.

Anna: Never - You appear continuously on each other's social media, but most chalk it up to "Gal Pals", and you don't bother to verify your status.

Jakob: Snapchat - A short series of off guard pictures posted to his story, and the rest is history. 

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