Chapter Four: Expect the Unexpected ...

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Reality is negotiable. Tim Ferriss

I talked with Lacy the rest of free period. She told me all about the school and its dirty secrets. Which to be honest were not all that dirty. I'd heard much worse.

"Well I'll see you in the GYM for practice."

I smiled nodding to Lacy as I walked across the grass to my locker. I lifted my locket over my head as I walked and shoved it inside my skirt pocket. I reached my locker holding my books in one arm as I did my combo with the other. I lifted up on the black bar but it wouldn't open. I huffed and tried again. Nothing. I dumped my books on the ground by my feet, keeping them close by and out of the way so people didn't kick them in their walking out of school. I tried my combo again praying it would open but still it didn't open. I stepped back glaring my locker as if that would make it open. Pent up anger set lose and I hulled off and kicked the door. A few students walking by looked but otherwise didn't acknowledge my tantrum. I covered my face. Great, now people think the new girl has an anger management problem.

I screamed quietly at the locker not opening and shook the door thinking maybe it was jammed. I tried my combo again, even more pissed to find it not open. I stepped back again glaring at it. "Open up you piece of crap!" I watched in horror as every locker door on this side of the hall flew open. My eyes widened my hands shaking.

"Are you fucking insane?!" Max ran up behind me pulling me inside the dark GYM. "What the Hell do you think your doing?!"

I starred at him bewildered. I felt my breathing accelerate and my head shake. "I didn't do that."

He paced in front of me, pinching the bridge of his nose. When I spoke he stopped and flew at me, anger burning in his eyes. I tried to step back but connected with the wall. "What do you mean you didn't do that? Tyler, Sam and I saw you."

I shook my head more forcefully. "No! There's no way I did that. Why are you flipping out over this?!"

"You opened twenty six lockers in front of pearls. How do you not see the severity of your actions? Shit, as if having syndicat on our asses wasn't enough, now you've gone and used in front of pearls."

Whoa, head ach. I shoved him away from me and rubbed at my head. "What the Hell is pearls? Why are you acting like I opened those lockers!?"

He looked at me as though I'd spoken some different language to him. His eyes cast to the GYM door and in walked the "Pack." Adina and Ashley were glaring at Max, while Tyler and Sam were glaring at me. Ashley walked up to Max and slapped him on the back of the head. "What did I say?" She snarled at him. It was the second time I'd heard her talk and her voice, had it not been angry was really melodic. "I told you that the vision was cloudy but that lockers were going to open, and for you to watch Bryan!"

I raised my eyebrows at her as Adina smiled softly at me. "Bryan can I talk to you?"

Before I could respond Max started yelling at Ashley, Sam and Tyler started yelling at the both of them and Adina ran over to try and break them up. I rolled my eyes but also realized cheer practice was in here in five. I placed my fingers in my mouth and whistled. They all shut up turning to look at me.

I smiled and sighed. I placed my finger just above my ear pretending to be deaf. "Much better. Okay, why don't we move this little conversation else where. The squad's gonna be here any second."

Ashley had this smug smile on her face and walked outside, the others following. Adina looked at me when I didn't. "You're apart of this conversation Bryan."

I shook my head. "It's gonna have to wait 'till after practice."

She seemed stunned but left the GYM. I did walk out, but turned to my locker, picked up my books shoving them inside, and freed my backpack that had my change of clothes in it. I walked past the "Pack" ignoring they guys' glare towards me but smiled at Adina and Ashley. I headed into the bathroom where I found all the other girls changing into practice clothes. Allie was in front of a mirror fixing her hair into a pony tail, Lacy was tying her sneakers, of course they were the only ones I knew. Allie saw me come in and smiled waving as I went into a stall to change. I stripped quickly changing into black soffee shorts, and a purple tie-dye T. I tied the end of it in the back, again showing some of my stomach accidentally. I slipped on my old cheer sneakers, shoved my clothes into my backpack and opened the door. The bathroom was less crowded but Allie and Lacy were still in here. I went to the mirror and put my hair in a pony tail keeping my eyes only on me. I didn't need people thinking I watched them change.

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