chapter 6: I May be Super Human but I'm Still Human...

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Winston Churchill once wrote, If your going through hell, keep going.

I woke up the next day around four feeling really shitty. My heart hurt and I knew exactly why. I was starting to quickly fall for Max. Max the player of PIHS, the guy incapable of loving somebody. I knew that I needed to distance myself from him. It's the only way I'll be able to 'move on' if that's what I'm trying to do anyway. I also knew it was going to be extremely hard seeing as I have a big giant bulls eye on my back.

I rolled out of bed going right into my closet. From the looks of outside, it was raining. I pulled my black and white vintage Beatles shirt off of a hanger tossing it on the floor of my room. I snagged a clean pair of dark jeans, and kicked my red converse along with my jeans out into my room. Slowly and sadly I made my way into my bathroom to shower.

I knew I had to pick up Lacy this morning so I started moving a little faster. I jumped out of the shower yanking my jeans and hating the feel of freshly clean shaven legs into jeans. I clipped on a bra dragged some deodorant on and then pulled my T over my head. I quickly straightened my hair applied my makeup, grabbed my backpack and bolted downstairs. I quickly made Dad some bacon and eggs, placing the plate into the microwave for when he got up. I glanced at my cell seeing it was five thirty so I made myself some bacon and eggs as well.

I sat down at the bar to eat them in silence. I hate the quiet when there are things I don't want to think about. Its like an open invite to every bad thought you have. They dance in front of you smiling and mocking you that your thinking about them. "Stupid dancing thoughts." I grumbled out loud. I finished my breakfast around six and then left to get Lacy.

The drive to her house was… difficult. The rain was spitting down on my wind shield making it hard to drive over the bridge. I was sitting at a stand still when my cell rang. I looked at the screen not recognizing the number. Slowly I lifted the cell to my ear. I didn't say anything, I waited for the other person to talk.


I sighed, my heart beat going down to normal pace. "Hi Max."

"Hey, do you want to ride with us to school?"

I swallowed hard knowing this was the first step in distancing myself from him. "I'm kind of already on my way. I promised Lacy I'd pick her up." If I ever get there that is, I finished in my head.

"Oh," He sounded disappointed. "Okay, well I'll see you at school then."

I didn't say goodbye I just hung up. I closed my eyes trying to convince myself this was better. Max was always going to be alive and so was I, so he was a fact life. While I accept that I'll have to be around him for now, I know that I need to keep our relationship strictly acquaintances. No more slamming me against walls and delivering sweet tortures to my neck. … Oh fuck a duck! It hit me then. I'm nothing to him. Sign number one that the guy is a player is he doesn't kiss on the mouth. How could I have been so naïve? I slapped the hell out of my steering wheel, screaming inside my Rover. It wasn't until I got honked at that I realized we were no longer in a stand still.

I made it to Lacy's house finally, I idled in the driveway 'till she came walking out. She was wearing a skirt, green tank top and flip flops. Is she nuts? It fucking raining cats and dogs and she's parading around like its scorching hot. I waited as she climbed in and shut the door silently.

"Woo, it sure is pouring." She commented as I tried not to stare at her dumbly. "So did you and Max screw last night?"

I was pulling out of her driveway when I slammed on the breaks. "What?!" Even I was surprised at the sharp edge to my tone.

Lacy looked semi scared her body even leaning slightly towards her window. "Well he said that he was meeting up with you later, yesterday. That's usually what he means when he says that."

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