Chapter 2: Fun

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P.O.V. [Name]

I let out a tired yawn as I rose from my bed. Once I was out of my bed I stretched and walked into the bathroom. I could hear the shower running so I walked over to the sink and began to brush my teeth. Ghira and I were close so doing things like this wasn't to unusual for us. 

"Hey [Name] can you hand me some soap? I mean the good kind that I keep hidden in the third draw," I heard a voice say behind me. 

"Sure," I answered as I opened the draw and reached down to grab the soap. Strange all these years I had known him and now he cares about which type of soap he uses? I guess it's none of my business butI then tossed it over the shower curtains and watched as heard them catch it. 

"Thanks," I once again heard them say. Come to think of it Ghira's voice seemed . . . off? It wasn't nearly as deep as it usually was. I know when I get sick my voice gets deeper but what about when Ghira gets sick? Is it possible his voice gets lighter when he's sick?

"Are you feeling okay? You sound a little sick," I said as I spit into the sick and began to wash my mouth out. 

"No, I'm fine," I once again heard them say. I shrugged hearing this and walked out of the bathroom. I can't tell weather he's really sick and just doesn't want to admit it or if he's not sick and he just sounds different in the shower for some reason. 

When I walked out I saw Ghira looking around the room a little confused. "Oh there you are," he said as he looked at me. "Glad to see that you took my advice about getting up early," Ghira said as he looked at me with a smile.

"[Name] close the door, I don't want Ghira to see me naked," I heard the same voice from before say from the bathroom. I felt my face heat up realizing who was in the shower. It wasn't Ghira it was Kali.

I shut the door quickly hearing this and felt my heart start to race. I guess that explains the soap incident I was thinking about as well as her voice. But why did she act so casually about it? Like I had done that before? 

Ghira looked at me with a smirk "Getting a little frisky with Kali I see," He said looking at me. 

"It's not like that! It was an accident I swear!" I said looking at him with my face still way more heated than usual. 

"Sadly he's right, I think he actually thought I was you," I heard Kali's muffled voice say through the door. 

Ghira looked at me with an expression that I couldn't identify. "Anyway, Kali are you still wanting to go to the beach today?" Ghira asked as he looked at the door in front of him. 

"Of course!" Kali chimed as the door opened revealing her slightly wet form in front of us. 

"Well I'm sorry to say that I'm going to have to cancel," The male said as he looked at Kali. When he said this Kali looked at him clearly wanting an explanation. 

"There's a meeting coming up and I have to be there otherwise things may get a bit out of hand. I don't doubt that many of them want what's best for faunas but some of them are more willing to take things to the extreme than others. I don't want the White Fang to be known as a bunch of faunas that just want to kill others in order to benefit themselves," Ghira said as he looked at Kali. 

She looked at him a bit disappointed hearing this and Ghira gained a slightly guilty look before he smiled as if he had an idea and turned me. "Why don't you go with [Name]? He loves the beach," Ghira said as he looked at me. 

"Well yeah it's the beach, who doesn't like going to one?" I asked as I looked at Ghira. 

"I would imagine that Saturn doesn't like going," Ghira said as he looked at me. 

"Saturn doesn't count he's afraid of water," I said as I looked at the male in front of me. 

"Well whatever the case, I'm sure he'd be more than happy to go," Ghira said as he looked at the two of us. 

"I know I'm not as physically imposing as Ghira so being caught at the beach might be a bit embarrassing but I'd still like to go, I know I'm human so the others may look down on you if they figure out we're together so and I'll stand away from you if you want," I said as I looked at the female in front of me. 

She shook her head hearing this and looked at me. "No it's fine, I don't mind. You may be human but you're also one of the nicer people I know, that and you're really fun to be around," Kali said as she looked at me. 

I smiled hearing this and began to walk to my room. "Give me a minute and I'll get what I need," I said as I walked past Kali. She nodded hearing this and I opened the door to my room and walked in and began to look for a pair of shorts I could wear to the beach. 

When I found my favorite pair I quickly changed and walked out of the room and saw Kali in her own outfit. "How do I look?" Kali asked as she looked at me. I felt my face hear up when she asked this and she smiled. 

"I'll take your embarrassed expression as a compliment," She said as she looked at me. I nodded a bit nervously and felt my face heat up even more and went to grab the cloak I had worn here but Kali stopped me. 

"That's not necessary, like I told you I don't mind being seen with you," She said as she looked at me and I nodded a bit embarrassed and we began to walk out of the building. We then began to walk down the streets together and as we did I noticed several people staring at us, or rather staring at me. 

All these stares made me uncomfortable and feel like any of them could attack me at any given moment. "Calm down," I heard Kali say beside me and I turned to look at her with a smile. 

"You're way to tense," Kali said as she looked at me. I nodded hearing this and tried to calm myself and while it did help it wasn't enough to keep me from feeling nervous," I said as I looked at the female in front of me. 

When we finally arrived I smiled and moved slightly faster than I had been. I was clearly showing some of my excitement, and I heard Kali chuckle behind me. When we arrived she laid down her beach towel and then held up a deflated inner tube. 

"Mind helping me out with this?" Kali asked as she looked at me. I sighed hearing this and walked over to her. She smiled seeing this and handed it to me. "Thanks, so how can I reward you? A drink, some frozen yogurt or," She asked as she slowly got closer to me. 

"Would you like a kiss one the cheek," She asked getting much closer to me. I felt my face heat up hearing this and she backed away chuckling slightly. "You really are cute when you're embarrassed," Kali said sticking out her tongue teasingly.

I looked at the inner tube a bit sad hearing this. "Kali . . . I know it's obvious I have a crush on you and it's easy to tease me because of it but . . . please don't toy with my emotions like that," I said as I began to unfold the plastic tub. 

She looked at me a bit concerned hearing this and I looked at her. "I don't mind most of the time honestly but . . . don't say something like that, it'll just give me false hope," I said as I looked at the female in front of me. 

She looked as if she was going to say something before I turned my attention to the inner tube "Now then," I said as I began to use my semblance to blow air into it having it fully inflated in less that five seconds. "Here you go," I said handing the female the inner tube with a smile. 

She smiled seeing this and took it from me before smiling. 

"Thanks," Kali said as she took the inner tube. "oh and by the way," Kali said gaining my attention before she leaned forward and kissed me on my cheek. I felt my face heat up even more than before when she did this and she pulled away slightly to whisper in my ear. 

"It's not false hope, you really can claim me as yours. That is if you play your cards right," Kali whispered into my ear before pulling away with a smile. "Now, let's go I can hear the ocean calling my name!" Kali said as she began to run towards the water. 

I just stared blankly for a moment before I reached up and touched the place on my cheek that she had kissed before smiling and standing up and beginning to run towards her. 

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