№ 25 • Simon Phillip Cowell The II.•

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"Please, entertain us." I said grabbing a hair tie from my wrist putting my hair in ponytail. Perrie chuckled at my comment while Aria sighed.

"Anyway." Aria said."Let's start with basics,shall we"?

"In 1511 Simon Philipp Cowell The II.,our king, fell in love with Lauren Elizabeth Silverman, queen of kingdom in Australia. He fell in love with her when she and her family visited The King Simon. But Queen Lauren was already married to Andrew Joseph Silvermann. She didn't love Andrew. They got married because their parents wished for.

Their parents were friends for a very long time so they thought it would be good for their kids to get married. Queen Lauren absolutely hated King Andrew. But King Andrew was in love with Queen Lauren. It seemed like their marriage was perfect. But inside the castle they lived in, they argued a lot. With the time arguments got more heated. He started abusing her. It started with a slap and later turned into beating.

When they received an invitation for Simon's birthday party they gladly accepted it. As soon as King Simon saw Queen Lauren he instantly fell in love with her and so did she. Her family stayed at King Simon' s castle for a while and in meantime they secretly saw eachother. In short time they fell in love and Queen Lauren found out that King Simon is a vampire. She accepted that and said she wants to become a vampire too. Their love was a secret. When it was time for her and family to leave, King Simon prepared a plan to they could escape. Queen Lauren was prepared to leave her family and kingdom to be with King Simon.

After she returned to her kingdom, King Simon prepared a attack at her kingdom. King Simon's army was nothing compared to Queen Lauren' s army. King Simon' s army was bigger, better and stronger because they were vampires. His army brought Lauren at Simon. After that the whole world found out about vampires. And everybody was scared of him and his army. His empire extended very soon.

In 1513 they got married and Queen Lauren became a vampire. In 1514 they received a visit, an 19 year old boy. He had brown curly hair and green eyes. He came with a bite on his neck and a bite on each wrist. He claimed vampires attacked him while he was out. King Simon saw something in him. Something special. So he turned him. Through the years that boy became like a son to them. That boy was Lord Harold. Soon they found Lord Liam, Niall, Louis and Zayn. The King and Queen accepted then all as their sons.

In 1725 King Simon and Queen Lauren left. Nobody knew where. They said the boys are mature enough to take care of empire.

In 1785 the Lords received a letter which said The King and Queen are dead. One night The King and Queen were having a romantic dinner when the doors burst open. It was The Three. King Simon was stronger than them and he thought he could easily take down three vampires. But he was damn wrong. The Three killed Queen Lauren in front of King Simon's eyes. He couldn't handle the pain and sadness. He wrote a letter and then left to the Vampire Council.He wanted them to kill him. The Vampire Council dissagreed with him. But when King Simon explained he can't live without his love they killed him even though they didn't want to.

When the Lords received the letter they were heartbrokened. They were devastated because they weren't there to help them. In the letter King Simon said he is leaving the whole empire in their hands. But Lord Harold had a bigger role since he is the oldest one and the strongest one. Then Lord Harold got a bit cocky because he had a bigger role.

Later they got the idea of bringing vampire mates in the castle to train them to become the best mates a vampire could wish for.

And later after that Isabelle Juliet Davies came. I' ve heard she is one of the most beautiful girls ever. Lord Harold instantly fell in love with her. And so did she. He was careful with her because she was a fragile human. Soon they got engaged. One day they left in woods and The Three attacked them. They made it to the castle but Deyanira shot her in back. Basically she died in front of Lord Harold' s eyes and in his arms. Since then Lord Harold became cruel and heartless.

In 21st century Lord Harold found this girl, Alison. She is still in castle. Nobody stands her. She thinks Harold loves her but he is just using her for sex.

And Annabelle you look just like Isabelle." Aria sighed licking her lips. "So Lord Harold will either hate you for that or he will fall for you."

"I am in deep shit, right?" I asked Aria biting on my lip piercing.

"Yep." Aria said popping the 'p'. "Deep shit."


Hiya! Sorry for the waiting. The wedding has been removed to next year. The funeral was on Wednesday. It was horrible. He was such a good and funny men. He died in his sleep so he didn't feel any pain. At least he didn't suffer.

Anyway, thank you for 40K reads!! *opens the confetti*

Thank you!! :))) <33

Love ya!

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