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Jen's eyes fluttered open. She found herself in a hospital room.

There was a door a few feet away. Two glass windows were present on either side of the door.

She was lying on a soft bed. A saline bottle hung beside her. Few tubes ran in and out of her body.

Have I become that weak?, she thought to herself.

She clutched the side of her throbbing head.

What happened exactly? Why am I here?, she thought, not able to remember what had happened.

Then in struck her.
She tried to get up but suddenly felt light headed.

She touched the back of her head and felt a massive clot.

She cringed and laid back on her bed.

She pressed a button beside her bed.
She heard a buzzing noise. Soon, a young nurse walked into the room.

She was carrying a metal plate with different ointments on it.
She smiled sympathetically at Jen.

"Can you help me get out of my bed, please?", Jen asked politely.

"I'm afraid I can't do that dear. You've been strictly instructed to stay in bed at least for another week. But don't worry, your parents will soon come to meet you. We have already given them a call.", the nurse assured.

Jen nodded weakly and closed her eyes.

She felt the nurse applying a few balms and gels on her forehead.

Jen quickly opened her eyes.

The nurse smiled at her and continued applying the ointment.

"This will help you with the headache.", she said.

Jen nodded.

"I-Is Sean alright?", Jen asked.
"Who?", the nurse replied.
"Oh. Um nothing.", Jen said.

Just then, Jen heard a knock. She turned her head and saw her parents standing in the doorway. She was surprised to see Justin beside them.

She gave them a weak smile.

The nurse smiled at them and left the room.

Her parents sat near the edge of the bed while Justin stood near her.

"How are you guys? It feels as if I'm meeting you guys after years.", Jen said.

Her parents smiled at her.

Just then a police officer entered the room.

Jen was confused at first but then she realized it must be something related to what had happened.

Jen tried to sit up but Justin pushed her back down gently.

The cop stood near her.

Margaret stood up and went near her daughter. She kissed Jen lightly on her forehead.

"How did you guys find me though?", Jen asked curiously.

Margaret looked at Justin.

"Well yesterday, I think you accidentally called me. Your phone's location was turned on. As soon as I got your call, we tracked your phone down and found you.. We found you just in time.", he said, holding her hand gently.

Jen smiled, remembering that she had had 2% left. Her finger must have accidentally hit the button.

The cop, who was silent until then, spoke up,
"Jen, we have good news for you as well as bad news."

Jen felt a knot forming in the pit of her stomach.

"I-I would like t-to hear the good news first.", she said, choking on her words.

She had expected something to be the bad news.

"Well, the knife that you gave to my colleague that day had some fingerprints. Yesterday, we caught Aaron and his stepsister in the warehouse itself. His fingerprints and the fingerprints on the knife match. We've got solid proof now. Very soon, he'll be in jail, out of your lives.", the officer said, his expression not changing.

Jen nodded. Margaret smiled and looked at her daughter,
"Isn't that good news honey?", she said.

"Let's get to the point now. What is the bad news?", Jen asked, ignoring her mother's statement.


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