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Walking into the event Zach was actually shaking, he was nervous. Meeting Jonah's parents and having to be in a fancy venue for a night was making him shiver like he was cold. "You ok baby?" Jonah asked when he noticed the younger boys hand shaking in his. "Just nervous I guess," He said as Jonah got their names scratched off the list where the security guards were. "Don't be these people really don't matter they just have a bunch of money and live in big houses, I'll be with you the whole night" He smiled at Zach as they walked into the big ballroom where the event was being held.

"Holy crap its huge in here," Zach said and looked around as Jonah just laughed at him and spotted his parents sitting at a table near the stage. "Oh there they are, come on Zay" he dragged the enchanted boy off too the table. 

"Oh Jonah how nice to see you," His father said catching his moms attention and standing up to give him a hug. "How've you been son?" he asked as Jonah looked at Zach and grabbed his hand, making him sit down next to the older boy. "Good this is my boyfriend Zach" he introduced as Zach just waved awkwardly. "Nice to meet you"Jonah's mom added as they began talking about the award the brunettes father would be accepting. 

"How long have you two been together?" Jonah dad was questioning Zach when Jonah had to go and talk to some other people about work. "Around a month or so now" he lied and was asked more questions. Luckily the older boy came back before any more awkward conversation, "How much did you torture him father?" he laughed and sat down putting a hand on zachs thigh, rubbing small circles with his thumb; making Zach blush more than he already was. 

"Now now son I wasn't torturing him just asking questions" he laughed. After the awards had been handed out and the night was over, the two boys said goodbye to Jonah's parents and any other colleagues the older had to talk too before heading back to the car. "See, wasn't that bad was it?" Jonah laughed as they got into the back of the car. 

"No I guess not, your dad made it very clear he doesn't approve of me though" Zach mumbled the last part looking at his shoes awkwardly. "He never likes anybody" the older but an arm around his tired boyfriend and put his head on top of Zachs. "Do they seriously not know you're a sugar daddy though? Like why else would you have me, I don't have anything" Zach said like it was nothing as Jonah looked at him with concern in his eyes. 

"Zach don't say that your amazing, money doesn't make you great. And also don't call me that sugar daddys pay people for sex I'm not gonna pay you, I just give you whatever you want, we don't have to have sex I just like being around you and spoiling you." Jonah smiled down at the tired boy who was almost surprised but just blushed and nuzzled into the olders' shoulder. "I'm glad you took me and not someone else. I would have hated being a sex slut" Zach mumbled and fell asleep. 

"Im glad you're here too Zach, I think I really like you" The oldest sighed and ran a hand through the younger boys hair as he slept. 


kinda cute kinda not 




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