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Life, an endless dance

A Masqueade where nothing is by chance

The mask is a lie

with witch is used to hide

To find the truth is my task

the flashes, glints, smiles and sneers

is that your face or your mask

witch is to weep or shed no tears

My mask is blind and mute

a bird you only need to shoot

Behind my mask I can see my eyes

Behind my mask I know what I hide

Every face is a mask

every mask is of glass

Every mask is a lie

Every mask is used to hide

What do you hide behind your mask

what you love, hate, cannot see

what you know will not last

or do you wish to get the best of me

I can see the devil in your eyes

while they are puppets fooled by your lies

but may I warn you

I see devil in them to

But would you listen to me

the mute, blind, naive

or would you take a chance

to survive on last dance

Or would you kill to survive

like all others do

would you kill to thrive

do I really know you

The music picks up

I wish you luck

the couples begin to dance

the beauty, elegance, suspense

Someone will fall

red on the wall

aswell as your hands

the death of a man

Do you know how to survive

Do you know how to thrive

can you see the face behind your mask?

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