5-I can see

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Am I the only one who can see

The only one with this ability

But it’s not a skill, barely a try

Just to open your eyes

You can see the world in its demise

You can see every lie

You see who they are

Instead from afar

I can see her now

She gets kicked down

But the scars that are shown

Are from hands her own

Or she is a girl

Thinks herself a pearl

Among the dirt

And never think of how they hurt

Or you place a crown atop your head

Think yourself a leader not to be lead

You try to beat and outlast

Or you’ll end up with a knife in the back

Or you’re an ignorant fool

Held back by others rules

You let yourself get kicked around

But refuse to go down

What am I

Am I simply shy


I refuse to let my black wings show

To those who know me best

Are strangers like the rest

As they kick me down they don’t see

The true monster in me

If I were you I would beware

I would take great care

For a black angel

Isn’t good nor evil

When I see him

My face turns grim

For I look away

Unable to stay

I can’t see who he is

I see light that’s his

Or its darkness

Whatever it is I do not witness

What do you see

Do you see me

Will you open your eyes

Or give into lies

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2012 ⏰

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