Chapter 4

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We agreed to staying at the party and that was probably a decision we would be happy with making.

Not even a second after we agreed, drinks were flying everywhere and music was bumping through the stereo. Like I said, these boys knew how to party, but we could party harder. The Wanted had been drinking before they even started the concert because well, those England/Irish boys know how it's done better than anyone. The rest of us were slowly but surly getting there. We were all singing, dancing, and just fooling around.

I was talking with Anthony, Colton, Nathan and Tom while everyone else was off in little groups talking. Tom went on about missing Kelsey already and how although we don't look the same we are like twins. Apparently we both are crazy fun so I thanked him, Kelsey is just gorgeous and has the amazing Tom as a boyfriend. Nathan kept looking over at Alexa and Michelle who were sitting with a few of the other boys and he looked a bit jealous.

"Hey Nath, stop staring and go use words! We only have an hour before you guys leave us anyway!" I blurted out quickly and he blushed before I could even finish my sentence. "I guess I should" he winked and walked over to them sitting down between Jay and Michelle.

"I'm going to go get a quick drink do you guys want anything?" Tom, being able to out drink us was already done with a drink he got five minutes prior, got up and walked away as we all shook our heads no.

Our little group was slowly shrinking.

I continued talking to Colton and Anthony and told them how much I loved their set and how pumped they got me. "You guys are crazy though I wish I had half of your talents. Colton your voice is literal perfection" Colton smiled a thank you as I continued, "and Anthony how do you dance like that?! You are hands down one of the greatest dancers I've ever seen!"

"Here let me teach you" he smirked and glanced over at Colton who gave him a smirk, did a little handshake thing and walked off. Holy crap.

*Anthony's POV* (oooohh switchin' it up)

This girl is absolutely gorgeous.

We all think this, we talked about it after we first met them in the dressing room. Colton agreed but said he thought Alexa was more of his type. Joey didn't really add in on the conversation because he is all loved up with his girl who is back home, but Eric and Thomas both agreed. Which absolutely sucked.

Eric has got some weird charm to him that nobody ever understands and Thomas is the guy every girl seems to want with his "amazing eyes" and "sexy hair".

That's all we ever hear and it sucks not being attractive like them.

They always get the girls.

I just want to once.

And well Brooke.

Holy crap Brooke.

She is just perfect in everyway.

*Jays POV*

Tonight could possibly be one of the craziest nights ever. I'm definitely drunk, I could feel it but you know that will never stop me from doing my thing.

Jeff and Tripp, aka Cassio Monroe, invited these three girls to be backstage VIP with us and they are absolutely insane, just like us. They were also all gorgeous. Brooke had some weird sense of humor to her that I absolutely loved. Alexa had the most gorgeous smile I have ever seen. And Michelle, oh Michelle, she was amazing. I could tell she didn't realize it but she was.

But like always, I am left sitting in the dark. No love for jaybird.

Tom, Nath, Colton, and Anthony were talking with Brooke until Tom went to get a drink and then began talking to Nano, Nath came over, like an asshole, and sat between me and Michelle, and Colton just kind of walked away from Antony and Brooke with a little smirk.

I didn't like that smirk.

But I also didn't like how Nathan came and sat between Michelle and I. It kind of pissed me off.

And then there went Brooke and Anthony dancing. Anthony was showing her his moves because we all know he is the perfect person especially when he breaks out those moves.

I looked away from them trying to stop getting jealous when I saw Thomas and Eric both looking angry and Anthony. Were they mad too? I really don't think that is possible. It can't be.

okay guys, shortish chapter.

I didn't want to keep on dragging this out and switching point of views but don't worry!

Summer is officially here which means more updates!

I hate to do this but,

3 votes and a comment for the next update so I know you guys are wanting more?

Each comment will cause me to update quicker,

love you guys and thanks for the votes!

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