Character Idea #1

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This is more like a request to draw than info. I've had this idea nagging at me, but I don't have the skills to draw it.


I need someone to draw a medium-tall girl, with hair similar to the picture except the bangs will be swept to the left side of the face, framing it, but also going slightly over one eye.


I'm not going to be picky about the eyes, but I want to stress about their color. You can do the eyes in whatever style you want, but the iris color needs to be a reflective black, like how crows feathers reflect back green, blue, and sometimes even purple.


Ears aren't that important to me, but I'd like the ear opposite the bangs to have a small gold ring in it.


Anything is fine, but I'd like them to not be super big, if you know what I mean.

That is about all. If you have any questions, put it down in the comments or message me. If anyone is willing to do this for me thank you! I will be writing a book with this character as the main, and I will give a shout out to you in the book. You will have full credit for the picture, I just want it as a reference so people understand what she looks like. I might possibly use it as the cover.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2018 ⏰

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