Chapter 1: surprise!

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Hi guys! so this is a new story and i hope you guys enjoy it :D if you do comment, vote, fan! thanks lovelies!

*One year ago*

Liam's P.O.V.

"You're so weird, why do you even go to school? It's not like anyone's gunna like you. Freak." Larry poked my chest with his meaty finger, his onion breath lingering over my face. Slinging my bag over my shoulder I turned to walk away. I couldn't ever face bullies.I don't know what it is. Maybe my confidence which I have none. The second something wants to come out of my mouth, I shut it close  afraid I may be hurt with things other than words shot at me.

"Hey Larry!" Emilie marched towards Larry and dropped her purple backpack by me.

"Instead of being a jerk to everyone why don't you be nice for a change?!" She screamed into his face.

"Why are you sticking up for that freak?" he pointed towards me.

"He's not a freak, he's sweet and nice and you're a jerk now get outta here!." Larry scowled as he walked hurriedly down the hall.

"Hey Liam, you okay?" she smiled as she rubbed my arm.

"Yeah I'm fine thanks." I snatched her backpack from the ground and handed it to her.

"Do you wanna hang out for a bit until the bell rings for class?" She eyed me.

"Yeah sure let's go." I pushed the cafeteria door letting Emilie in first.

"You know I appreciate what you do for me always but I can handle myself." I pulled out a chair plopping down.

"I know I just hate it when people are rude to others who don't deserve it, and you definitely don't deserve it, you're nothing but nice to everyone, Larry's just jealous." she shrugged her shoulders.

"Thanks, you're a good friend." I smiled at her.

"Anytime." she grinned.

"So are excited that we're going to be in year twelve next year?" I asked smiling at her.

"Oh yea so excited one more year till college!" I grinned at her.

"You know what would help you stand up to those bullies?" she said as she handed me a pamphlet of Karate.

"And what is that?" I questioned as the bell rang three times, we got up slinging our bags over our shoulders.

"Karate and confidence." she winked as she headed out the door. Hmm...karate, that's not a bad idea actually.

*One year  later*

Emilie's P.O.V.

"Emmie you ready?!" my mom screeched in my room.

"Yeah hold on a sec!" I adjusted my navy blue cap under my blond curls. Letting out a deep sigh I stared at my reflection. Smoothing my blue gown, I tugged at my wavy curls. Twisting the door knob, I shoved it open.

"How do I look?" I waved my hands.

"Oh my darling! you look so beautiful, and to think you're leaving tomorrow!." Sobs escaped from my mum as I embraced her hug.

"Mum I'll miss you too, besides London University isn't that far from here." I rubbed circles on her back.

"Two hours and twenty-two minutes is very far away!"

"Mum please, save it after graduation okay?" she nodded and we headed out the door. My phone buzzed as I pulled it out my purse.

From Ashley: Hey Em! excited to give the speech for our class?*

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