Silver Lining (Triangle Promp)

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ScienceFiction             ... March 2018: Triangle ... Prompt: Human, Alien, Thing must meet ... (2000 or less) ... Due March 25th

There was a blinding flash of brilliant light outside Kiieve's research vessel as it orbited his next project - a Class II Rocky planet on the farthest edge of the rim. The moment the flash was gone everything went black inside his ship. It took a minute before the auxiliary power came online and the sensors lit up with flashing warning lights.

Kiieve tapped the console to wake the ship's AI. "What's going on Zova?"

"Sensory overload."

"Can you fix it?" he asked without alarm.

 "Rebooting the system. Stand by." 

Again, the ship went entirely dark before the auxiliary power came online. A few silent minutes later and the entire bridge was lit up again. Only, the emergency lights were still flashing.

"What's the trouble now Zova?"

"There is a unidentified cargo vessel on a direct collision course with the VENKI Research Vessel. I've hailed the cargo ship. It has not responded."

"What about our engines? Are they online? Can we move?" Kiieve asked evenly. He wasn't alarmed. He was confident that Zova could remedy the situation.

"The VENKI engines are incapacitated. The cargo ship will impact us on the starboard side before the engines engage."

There was a short pause before the AI gave the command, "Brace for impact."

Kiieve scrambled to get into the safety apparatus as it became startlingly obvious that a direct collision was unavoidable. He gripped the control console, trying to hail the unidentified ship one last time, but there was no response.

Kiieve took in a deep breath and shut his eyes as the two vessels made direct contact. They would never survive a burn through the planet's atmosphere.


Smila had been working alone in the largest cargo bay of the RASK Trading Ship when the bay went black and the gravity controls let go. There was no warning and she was flung unexpectedly into the darkness.

Moments later the auxiliary power came on and the cargo bay was lit with flashing orange and green lights. Smila's body was on a direct collision course with the cargo bay's floor. There was nothing she could do to stop her descent. She let out a strangled cry as the floor came hurtling toward her.

Just before impact Smila saw a brilliant flash of light in the cargo bay. She shut her eyes tight and kissed her life goodbye.

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