Who's Who?

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     I sat in disbelief of the words that came from my sister's lips. Deep within my soul I knew this wasn't going to be the news everyone wanted to hear. Especially to someone close to all of us. Zak walked back in unaware of what had just been confessed and had coffee in hand for Amy. I looked up at him and it's like he knew she and I needed to be alone.
     "I'm gonna take off...I'll call you in a bit." He said to me after handing Amy her piping cup of caffeine. I stood up and walked him out.
     "Is she going to be alright?" Zak asked.
      "Yeah...I think....look I can't get into it now..."
       "Hey, it's alright. I won't ask. But, I will say this...tonight, you and me...dinner, some alone time, and tomorrow our breakfast won't be interrupted." He smiled, grabbed me and kissed me. I was looking forward to what Zak had promised. He walked away across the street and I retreated back inside for more shock factor from Amy.
      "I'm sorry, seems I interrupted a very intimate morning...so you two last night?" She asked.
     "Yeah, but don't change the subject. So, pregnant huh?" I asked her as she sat back and curled up on my couch.
     "Yeah...pregnant." She answered.
      "I'll ask, but I'm pretty sure I already know. Billy or Jacob?"
       "Jacob...cause I'm about a couple weeks late and Billy and I haven't yet." She hung her head in shame and sadness. More sadness than anything.
      "Okay." I said just sitting. "Well, you gotta tell them both ya know."
       "No shit." Amy snapped. "Billy will walk away, I don't blame him. Jacob probably won't want anything to do with this. So I'll be raising another child alone, again. And the added bonus, I'm a hypocrite...telling my teenage to wait for love, and here's Mom...knocked up by a guys she was just having fun with. Fuck!" Amy screamed then buried herself into me...sobbing. I held my sister tightly.
     "So you took a test..."
      "I fucking took five. I thought it was stress at first, but I was kidding myself."  She picked up her head and wiped her eyes with her sweater sleeve.
     "Well, now we know who the new slut in the family is." I laughed, but it wasn't the time.
     "Really? Jokes now?" She walked over to the window looking out. "You didn't tell Zak, did you?"
      "Hell no, I'm not that stupid." I said. "Look, I'll help any way I can, I'll go with you to tell them both...whatever you need."
     "I need to end this." She said.
     "What? Things with Billy? Give him a chance too..."
      "No, this pregnancy." She said coldly. I couldn't believe my sister was saying this.
      "Amy, you aren't thinking straight, I mean this baby is a..."
      "Hindrance." She said.
       "I was going for blessing..." I said.
       "How the hell is this a blessing?" Amy snapped.
      "It's a life, a baby, Riley will have a sibling." I couldn't think of the right words or anything else to say.
       "Oh yeah...perfect timing." She was not really into my positivity and was being very cold and sarcastic.
       "Amy...don't end this...I had a friend that did that, she regretted it, still does." I begged her.
      "You?" She asked in a snarky tone.
      "No, not me. A girl I was in college with. Now she can't have any due to that procedure. Not to mention the guy she was with, it tore him apart. Don't do this please." I begged again, putting my hands in her shoulders.
     "Why me? Why not...." she stopped talking and I knew what she wanted to say as she looked away.
      "Why not me?" I asked.
      "Maybe." She answered.
       "Cause I'm a fuck up, and the universe doesn't reward us with that. You are amazing, loving, caring, and a good mother. He knows who to bless, and when. Riley can't walk this earth alone. Neither can you or I. We need each other no matter what you think." I was reaching, trying...but Amy looked as though her mind was made up.
       "You must really love me to come up with all that crap. Or...is it just that you're gonna love to see me squirm with this so you can laugh and go on fucking whoever shows up at your door!?" Amy was angry, but I knew it wasn't with me.
      "And you are picking a fight so you don't have to deal with this right now! Deal! Tell Jacob and Billy! They are both stand up guys...I'm sure one of them can stand you enough to help you raise your brat!" I was mad too.
      "Fuck off...why did I come here?!" She screamed back.
      "Because you know I'll always tell you the truth, Amy!" I yelled.
      "I'm surprised that word is in your vocabulary." She grabbed her purse and walked out slamming the door. I just stood there not knowing what to say or think. Amy was pregnant and it was with a guy she wasn't with. This was my MO....not hers. And I know what you are all thinking; and no, the abortion wasn't me. It was a friend...truly. I went upstairs, stomped to my bedroom and stopped...looking at my tray of breakfast Zak had made me. Funny how last night we were taking precautions, and 30 minutes away my sister was already pregnant. I got dressed and had to go into the office and edit the show...with Billy. How the hell was I going to get through this? At least Zak would be at the museum all day and I wouldn't have to answer his questions.
     I arrived at the office a bit nervous, but when I walked in my sister was there, siting with Billy and laughing.
     "Oh hey." Billy said as he turned around.
      "Hey." I said kinda surprised.
       "Hey sis...I was just visiting with Billy til you got here." She gave me a weird smile. "The guys want to take us out tonight, double...what do you say?" She was acting like nothing was wrong...like she hadn't just hours before cried on my couch about being pregnant with another man's baby.
      "Zak and I have plans..."
      "Billy just texted Zak, he said it was fine with him." She gave me another weird smile.
        "Can I talk to you for a sec?" I asked. "Billy can you excuse us?"
         "Sure, I've gotta meet Zak at the museum anyway. I'll see you ladies later." He kissed Amy in the cheek and patted my shoulder as he walked out. I made sure Billy was gone before I laid into Amy.
       "What is wrong with you?!" I asked.
        "Nothing, I'm going on with life." She folded her arms.
          "Son of a bitch, you made that appointment, didn't you?"
         "No, I didn't. Look, I just want a little time to process this, tell my daughter, Billy, and all involved...Okay? Just let me have a little normalcy for a few days." Amy explained.
         "You've put me in the middle, I don't want to lie to Zak or anyone for that matter."
          "Yeah, I know...just please give me time with Billy? Just a little before all hell breaks lose?"
         "Fine, but you better come up with something as to why you were a basket case at my house this morning. Zak is gonna ask and probably tell Billy....and I'm not lying to him about, or for you." I said...pointing in her face and walking out. I was pissed; to say the least. I was walking to my car when I got a text from Zak:
How about a double dinner date with Bill and Amy? Then we take off...wink, wink.
If he only knew what was going on, or that now was a horrible time to ask this. I just sat in the car looking at my phone. Thinking...then I texted. I just needed to sit in the car and I thought about lighting a cigarette.
No...just us.
I waited and then....dot, dot, dot. Suddenly it vanished. Whatever Zak was typing, he quit. My phone rang shortly after that.
"Hello?" I said.
"Why not? Come on Bill is a little nervous."
"About what? Amy?" I was irritated and Zak could tell.
"Well yeah, us being there will kinda help, come on...for Billy." Zak was very convincing at times...if I kept saying no, then he would know something was up. So I had to grin and bare it...
"Okay, sure...but just dinner." I said.
"Thank you....and just dinner...I promise. I'll see you about six. Are you alright though? You and Amy?" He asked.
"Yes, it's all fine." I hung up and knew I couldn't keep this up. Amy went from psycho to normal in a matter of a couple hours. She was up to something....but what? I got out of the car, not lighting that cigarette wanted, and went back inside. The day drug on, and Bill and I worked quietly until.
"Is everything okay with you and Amy? Zak said she seemed upset at your house early this morning." There is was...the question. Zak had spilled it to Billy.
"Oh yeah, she's just stressed lately."
"Yeah, I could tell today...she's just different. But teenagers...am I right? She and Riley haven't been getting along, I know that for sure."
"Yeah." I laughed it off and desperately prayed Billy would drop it, and he did. Here was a great guy, crazy about my sister, who unknowingly to him, was carrying another man's baby. This was like a bad dream, or at least a twisted version of my life...but it wasn't me this time. Who was who here? I'd become level headed and honest...Amy had become nervous, hiding stuff, and confused...major role reversal. But I never had been pregnant, nor would I lie about it. We finished up and left for the day. Season sixteen was about to be hand delivered to my boss, slash boyfriend. I got to Zak's and rang his bell. I heard Gracie barking and then Zak answered.
"Well, hey sexy. You need your own key and the code...I don't want you standing out here like this." I walked in and patted Gracie on the head. She scurried off and Zak gave me a huge hug, then a kiss. He made me feel better. He just held me tight.
      "What's this for?" I asked, pulling back and throwing Gracie's you for her.
       "You just looked like you needed it. Ever since Amy came by you've been different. Tell me things are alright."  Zak was now concerned.
      "Of course they are...you know Amy. Lately she freaks out about stuff." Then I turned to face Gracie who'd come back with her toy in her mouth. Why did I say that? Maybe he won't....
       "What's Amy freaking out about now?" Zak asked. Yep, he caught it and asked.
        "Not freak out like....ahhhh! Just stuff in life in general. Her meds are off."  I said. I knew she couldn't take the meds while pregnant. Her doc would have to re-prescribe a different dosage. So, technically I was right and telling some version of the truth.
       "Does Billy know?"
        "No, and please don't say anything, I've already violated the sister trust thing by telling you. Trust me this will smooth over in time." Of course I meant a few months from now, and with a baby in hand.
       "Okay, no problem...I get it. Come here." He hugged me again. As we pulled away I stared up at him, and smiled thinking to myself. If I were in Amy's position...what would I do? If I were pregnant with Aiden's baby and Zak and I just departed upon this journey. I'd be torn and confused too. Cut her some slack...thinking to myself, all while staring into those hazel eyes.
      "You in there?" He asked.
       "Yeah, just thinking." I said. "I'm going home to take a bubble bath and then get dressed....pick me up at six?"
        "How about I join you?" Zak laughed.
        "Oh no...See you could have, but we have to help Billy boy out remember? This could have been your night...tub sex." I laughed, and he kissed my neck. "Nope...gotta run Bagans." I laughed, pulling away.
         "You're killing me." He said, standing in his foyer with the image of me; full of bubbles running down my wet body.
         "Where are we going, by the way?"
          "Morels." He said.
           "Fancy...I'll see ya." I smiled and shut the door. Zak stood with his back pressed against his front door, almost feeling giddy about us. Gracie just stared and turned her head sideways.
          "I know...I know...I'm falling fast." He said to her grinning. Zak felt happy and carefree in my presence, and I felt the same with him. It was almost, well not real for either of us. This was a first...for us both. I relaxed in my tub had myself a glass of wine, thinking about the last twenty four hours. Surely Amy would do the right thing. Across town Amy was puking her guts up.
"Mom?! Are you okay?" Riley stood outside Amy's bathroom door and was worried.
"Yeah baby...I'm just nervous I guess." Amy lied through her teeth.
"About the date? It's just Uncle Bill." Riley couldn't really understand. Amy then opened the door.
"It's more than that...you'll understand later." And it was more...Amy was already unreasonably sick only being a couple weeks pregnant. "I'm okay, really." Amy started to pull herself together and get dressed. Riley was a bit unsure still, but went on about her business...putting her earbuds back in and heading to her room. She was having some friends over and Zak's assistant was going to "supervise." Amy had hired Cici to be the adult, which wasn't a bad choice. Riley liked Cici and knew she wouldn't let shit slide...all Cici had to do was tell Zak and he would tell Amy. She also called in reinforcements...Audrey, Zak's museum assistant. Riley knew under their supervision...sneaking out was not possible, nor an option since she looked up too, and respected them both.
"Well, well...look at you!" Cici said from the bottom of the stairs as Amy made her way down. Amy looked beautiful in a red spaghetti strap dress and heels. Thinking to herself it would probably be the last time she would have a night like this.
"Wow Mom! You should've saved the walk down for when Billy got here." Riley said. She was way more happy with Amy seeing Billy than Jacob. She looked at Audrey and smiled.
"You are a knockout!" Audrey said.
"Well thank you all." Amy said as the doorbell rang. Billy was nervous as he pushed that button on Amy's porch. Riley answered.
"Whoa...you clean up nice!" She said. "Way better than t-shirts and jeans."
"Thank you young lady." He handed Riley a rose. "This is for you." He smiled and gave her a hug.
"Thanks Uncle Bill." He had another bouquet all ready for Amy and she walked up behind Riley.
"These are for you...and WOW!" Billy smiled handing Amy a beautiful bouquet of red roses as he kissed her cheek. Everyone just stood smiling sweetly at them.
"Thanks...I'll put these in water." Amy said.
"I'll do it Mom...you guys get going." Riley took Amy's roses.
"Yeah, go on...we've got it." Audrey said smiling.
"Well lets get out of here....we're meeting at your sister's." Billy held out his arm and Amy took it. He escorted her to the car and off they went.
I was adding the finishing touches to myself when my doorbell rang. I knew that ring...two quick rings...followed by a pause...then a third. Zak's signature.
"So predictable Bagans" I said as I went to answer the door. I opened and his jaw dropped. There I was standing in a floral off the shoulder form fitting dress with heels. He stood with another bouquet of red roses.
"You look...more than amazing." He smiled and came in handing me more flowers and kissing me sweetly. He was dressed to kill in a black jacket, his hair perfect, and those glasses.
      "Keep this up and we won't be going to dinner." I said smiling and Zak walked in.
       "I know I promised us a night to ourselves, but I'm trying to help Billy, cut me some slack?" Zak was convincing me of his plan changes, but also begging me not to make this too hard or too expensive of an evening for him.
       "It's fine, but you owe me big time." I said.
        "I've got it all worked out sweetheart...you just wait."
"So are we meeting them at the restaurant or what?" I said, placing my flowers in a vase.
"They are meeting us here...that okay?" Zak asked while checking me out head to toe.
"Huh, Okay." I twisted my mouth a bit.
"Look, this has been a weird start for us I know, but I feel like we're already there...it's hard to explain and last night was really, really..." That smile could melt me, and every other woman in Vegas.
"Yeah it was." It was good I'll admit, but not what I thought it would be coming from Zak. I mean, I didn't exactly expect any Fifty Shades stuff, my thinking was he had held back some and I wasn't sure why. I was going to ask at breakfast but of course Amy's drama stopped that.
"You are deep in thought...everything okay sweetie?" Zak asked.
"It's just..." suddenly his phone chimed and it was Billy.
"They're here." Zak said.
"Great." I rolled my eyes and Zak saw it.
"Whatever you and Amy got into this morning is under your skin...I know it. Tell me."
"I can't... like I said, it's sister stuff, I'll behave I promise." Zak gave me a frown then kissed my forehead. He felt bad for ruining our plans, but wanted to help Billy take Amy out. In his mind he was wondering if I was truly upset with Amy or was it him? Zak went to the door to let the giddy couple in. As they walked through my door the looked happy. It's how Zak and I should be, thinking to myself. But Amy collectively ruined that with her problem and dragging us along on her date with Billy.
"You look beautiful." Billy said to me, it got under Amy's skin. He was just being polite.
"Thanks, not too bad yourself." I said as we hugged.
"Amy, wow I love that dress, maybe I can borrow it really soon." I'd done it, I'd already started not even knowing.
"And you look, well like yourself as usual. A slutty knockout in that skin tight thing." She just stood there with her hand in her hip? and no one said a word. The guys were quiet and no one knew what to do or say. Amy and I stood staring at one another. She then laughed. "I'm only kidding." She came toward me, pulled me in for a hug, then whispered in my ear. "Do not start this with me tonight."
"Then you'd better come clean...soon." I whispered back. We pulled away and just fake laughed. Billy was unaware of the tension, but not Zak...he was onto us...

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