Chapter 13: Letters

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I had just finished showing Hayden and Emiliea where they would be staying when I heard the other vehicles. The other Alpha's and their warriors must have finally arrived. They were slower getting here than Hayden, but that was to be expected because their territories were further away than Alpha Severnia.

I made my way down the grand staircase to once again meet those who would hopefully help me get my mate back. I still had men out searching for her, in fact, Nate was still out there looking for her. With the help of the other Alphas, I was hoping the search would go much faster and more efficiently with the help of the other packs. I needed their help and was desperate for this meeting that would hopefully unite us all.

The first car opened revealing Alpha Jonathan Kertin and Luna Gemma. Behind them were Alpha Torsten Martson and Luna Hermina both Alpha's seemed to be inspecting me to see how I was going to react. Most people began to fall apart without their mates within a couple of weeks and I assumed they were trying to assess my mental stability.

I wasn't going to deny that having Elinn gone was affecting me in different ways. I had been working really hard to keep it together though. My nightmares had gotten increasingly worse the longer she was gone and you could now see the bags underneath my eyes from lack of sleep. My temper began to get shorter and shorter till almost anything could upset me if said indelicately.

"Alpha Johnson, thank you for letting us have this meeting on your territory. We're sorry that we couldn't be visiting under different circumstances." Jonathan said reaching out and shaking my hands.

"I'm just glad that you were willing to come here and hear what we have to say. I hope that we will be able to come to an agreement that benefits us all." I tell him shaking his hand and then Alpha Marton's hand as well.

"My mother, Luna Zayla will be showing you to your rooms. I still have one more Alpha to greet before we begin to get this whole thing underway." Jonathan and Martson looked at each other quizzically.

"Are we really some of the last to arrive? We thought we would surely beat the Eastern packs here, they must have driven for two days to get here before us." Now I was confused.

"What are you talking about Alpha Severnia, Alpha Demivin, and the two of you are the only ones who responded to my request for help." The two men stared at me in astonishment while Luna Martson stepped forward and took my hand in hers.

"Alpha, there are twelve packs coming to help you. They sent letters to you before we did and are the ones who helped convince us to come. Most of them are close to the royal pack, though they wouldn't tell us why they were so dead set on helping you. I don't know what you did to convince them, but you have most of the strongest packs in this country on your side." Hermina informed me and all I could do was stare at her the shock evident on my face.

"How....what....seriously?" I was trying to process this information but my brain was so frazzled by what I had just learned it made it nearly impossible.

"Yes, if I were to guess they will be here sometime this evening. They were adamant that we all get here today so that we could have a discussion after dinner and begin to come to an agreement." Jonathan said a real smile showing on his face for the first time today.

"Um, my mother will show you to your rooms still, but I have to go make some arrangements. I'll see you at dinner tonight," I managed to get the words out before I dashed up the stairs to the floors that housed Elinn's family as well as mine.

"ZAYDEN! ECSTAN! GET YOUR ASSES IN HERE AND TELL ME WHAT YOU GUYS DID!" I yelled knowing that they had something to do with this whole thing. A startled screams burst from Darius that was very unlike himself.

"Well, darling that was very dignified wasn't it? The Prince of Werewolves screaming like a girl because his sister's mate is yelling for his father." Lauraine guffawed at her mate and Darius started blushing profusely.

"He startled me okay, I'm sorry I was to busy with your mouth for you to scream properly," Darius shot back causing Lauraine to gasp and flush with embarrassment.

"EW! That is so gross I did not need to know that Dar, my poor innocent ears!" Xander groaned standing in the doorway to the hall that must have lead to his bedroom.

"If I remember correctly Xander your ears weren't that innocent yesterday when you pinned me down and," Before Jenny could finish her sentence I heard a growl come from another hall and turned to see Ecstan standing there staring disapprovingly at the two couples.

"I would remind you that you are flirting in front of a wolf who has just lost his mate and isn't as stable as he needs to be. I suggest that you think before you act because I don't even think he realizes that he is halfway shifted right now." Ecstan's voice was low and threatening and caused me to glance down at myself.

My fingertips had turned into claws and both my hearing and vision had sharpened. I could feel anger rolling through my body, though I wasn't sure where it was coming from or why I was even mad. I quickly tried to calm myself down while I began to back out of the room.

"I'm sorry I didn't even realize, I would never hurt any of you, I wasn't trying," I rambled on trying to apologize for almost losing it for no reason. I was finding it harder and harder to control myself lately and I was beginning to scare myself.

"Carter, this isn't your fault you don't need to apologize. You are an unmated wolf who's mate was forcibly taken from you and has been missing for nearly a month. The fact that you haven't really physically attacked anyone yet is impressive in and of itself. Your father, Zayden, and I are actually very proud of the way you've been handling the situation. We all thought you would have cracked by now, but in all respects your doing quite well.

I know this is all very confusing and you don't know what to do, but what you've done is amazing. Not only have you kept your pack together and kept infighting from breaking out, but you've convinced other packs to come and help you. Yes, Zayden and I asked for help too, but only after you had sent out your letters asking for help." Ecstan approached me slowly as he talked cautiously of me in my agitated state.

"You should know however that just before you got here one of the warriors you sent out to look for Elinn just got back. They found something."

AN: Thank you all so much for being here and understanding. I know I'm a mess and I really am trying to get back on track with the scheduel. I haven't updated Darkness Disrupted in a while and I know that I need to get that done for you guys. If you haven't checked that book out already, I definitely think you should, I am loving writing it for you guys. And.....WE HIT SIXTY-SEVEN THOUSAND VIEWS!!! I am so grateful to have such an amazing community backing me up! I would love to see the things you guys create for the book. The banner up top was made by @StCroixislandgirl and she has done a fabulous job! I hope that you guys will keep sending me new cover and artwork for the book. Artwork will be displayed in the banner and covers will be changed weekly depending on how many I get. Thank's again, until next time, bye bye!

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