Chapter 8: Overheard

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I think it's been a week since I was taken at this point. I wasn't really sure anymore, the days were beginning to blur again, they way they had before Carter had saved me. He hasn't found me yet, but I still believe in him, he will save me.

He will save me even though he attacks me every day. His family and my family were with me once every day, saying things they would never really say to me. Doing things they would never actually do to me, trying to convince me they are real. It wasn't real, none of it was real, they would never do any of those things, would they?

I knew Carter would come for me, but I had no idea when that would happen. I hoped that it would be soon that he would find me quickly. Before my mind could start to convince me that those tricks were actually true.

I had already been forced to go through three of the lessons as Master tried to reteach me all the things he had made me believe before. I was doing everything I could to stay strong, remembering what I had been taught while I was free. Trying to reassure myself that I mattered and his mind games wouldn't work on me.

He was due to come back any minute now and continue with our current lesson. We had been rotating through lessons one, two, and three as he tried to get me to give in. I was pretty sure that we were finally back to the first lesson once more, but I was beginning to lose track. I was severely sleep deprived, dehydrated, and malnourished and my body wasn't holding up as well as my mind.

Master had held me captive for so many years that he knows exactly how to hurt me to cause the most damage. He knows all my weak points and sensitive areas even better than I do sometimes. That's what happens when you spend a little over a decade torturing a poor little girl who you kidnapped and made into a slave.

Carter was probably worried out of his mind about me, I hoped that he wasn't too worried though. I needed him to be able to focus on the things that mattered right now, things that would keep us safe. Making sure the pack was protected, his family was safe as well as my own, and then he could work on finding me, but I could take care of myself. It wasn't like any of this was new to me, well except for the machine that makes Carter appear.

I love and hate that machine more than anything else in this whole world. It shows me the people that I long to see more than anything else in the entire world, but it also twists them and morphs them into something that they aren't. Makes them just as bad as the monsters that surround me every second that I'm trapped in this place. I wanted them to come and save me, and Master knew that and was trying to use them against me.

From outside my room, I could hear the muffled conversation of the guards who were now always posted near the door. Apparently, I was now a flight risk and needed to be guarded at all times even when Master was having a 'session' with me. I wondered if it was because Master thought I was going to escape or if it was because he wanted someone to back him up in case my wolf and the other voice were able to make it back to me.

"I wonder why he keeps her around, wouldn't it just be easier to get rid of her?" One of the men said his voice higher leading me to believe he had to be one of the younger new recruits.

"You know how the Alpha is, he likes to play with his toys and them have a fun time watching them dance around for him." This time the voice was deeper and one that I recognized from the last time I was being held. I couldn't put a face to the voice, but I definitely knew he had been one of the men from the dungeons at the old building.

"Yeah, but didn't he have her back at the old location? I mean he goes through them like their lollipops what makes her so different?" The younger one asked and I wanted to laugh. What made me different? I didn't even have a full answer to that question.

" This one is the daughter of the royals, though we don't say her name. He took her from them the day before her ninth birthday and has had her ever since. After a year or so she was the perfect little servant and Alpha was so proud of himself.

Showed her off to all his allies and she never tried to escape, the girl was broken. He even loaned her out every once in a while to people who he owed favors with only a few conditions. It really was just a genius plan, having the 'princess' gives him some great leverage." The older guy told the younger one.

I had always hated it when Master would loan me out, they were always the vilest, disgusting creatures you could ever meet and it had always meant a beating of some sort. Some would give me food, some would give me praise, but they would all eventually reveal their true colors. Using me as a form of entertainment and a release from their miserable lives that caused me pain.

"Come on little one, I promise that nothing bad is going to happen to you. You trust me don't you?" The man asked me holding out his hand a smile growing on his face.

He had been nice to me so far, ever since Master had thrown me in the car with him. Master warned me about what would happen if I didn't make this man happy and I didn't think I could handle it if he told Master I hadn't been good. I hoped that he would be nicer than Master was to me but I really had no idea who he was.

Since I had gotten here, the man had given me some soup and a bottle of water and allowed me to drink the whole thing. He even laid some clothes out on the floor for me to change into and turned his back to give me some privacy. I was beginning to trust this man who Master had given me to, and I wished this meant I wouldn't need to go back to Master.

I took the man's hand and nodded signaling that I trusted him and believed that he wasn't going to hurt me. After all, someone who had done all of this was bound to be a good person. He gently pulled me into a room where I noticed the large black bed and I wondered why we were in here.

"You're going to have a good time tonight Love, this is going to be a night you'll never forget."

The memory made my whole body shiver and cause me to feel the urge to take a shower. To rub away the feelings I had that night and the lies I had almost believed. It was at that point that I actually began to learn that men were all bad and just wanted my body and to cause me pain.

"Has he ever taken a piece out of her? I mean I would have done it by now and I'm actually surprised that I've never heard him go at it before." It took me several seconds to figure what the man was talking about and when I did I felt bile rise up in my throat at the thought.

"He has had a plan for as long as I've known him and that is part of it. Apparently, he is going to wait until she is completely submissive again so that he can really enjoy himself. Maybe when he's done with her he'll let us have a turn." Both of the men laughed at this while fear began to grow in my heart.

Carter, I need you to hurry up and find me, pretty soon something is going to happen that is irreversible. Please save me....please

AN: Okay, you guys deserve an explanation for where the heck I've been. This weekend was crazy and I hardly even knew what was going on. I went out of town with my family to celebrate my uncles birthday, he owns some property in the mountains so we went up to his cabin. What I forgot was that it doesn't have any Wifi so I couldn't publish anything. So I'm just now getting home to publish this, but there will be an update tomorrow, Friday, and Saturday like normal. I am so sorry guys I never meant for this to happen.

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