The kidnapping

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          i had just put on my pajamas and had put my hair down from the bun i had it in when i was on my laptop. I was all cleaned up and ready for bed but i wasn't ready for what happened after i went asleep that night.

Dom's POV

                   She doesn't remember and it hurts. I need her to remember. me and Vince were at her parents house and i looked through the window to see her sleeping. she looked peaceful. but she had bruises on her that made me mad. Her parents abused her and i hated watching her go through it. me and Vince snuck in and packed her a few bags along with getting her laptop and phone. Vince grabbed her stuff while i picked her up bridal style. i went through the front door but her dad caught me and laughed. "Wow Dom. thought you'd give up on the whore." it made me mad but i couldn't say anything. I put her in the backseat and smiled. "You're safe now Iz." i saw her shift and we drove off.


                When we got to the house everyone was still up. Vince grabbed the bag and i started taking her upstairs. Brian saw me and gave me a look as i took her to my room. i set her on my bed and put the covers on her. i kissed her forehead and walked out. i walked to the living room and Brian looked at me. "Was she asleep when you got her." i didn't say anything. "DOM! She's only 18! that's kidnapping!" i looked at him. "I saved her from her own death Brian! you don't know her like me, Mia, Letty or Vince do because if you did you would have done the same thing." we started arguing when i heard a voice from the stairs. "Hello?"

Izzy's POV

            I woke up to yelling but it wasn't my parents voices. i looked around and saw that i wasn't in my room. but it looked really familiar. i decided to get out of the bed and look around. i went towards the yelling and when i got to the stairs i heard a very familiar voice yell, "Brian, her parents abuse her! i can't just sit around and act like i don't know." i decided to speak but i don't do it often. "Hello?" all eyes were on me and i didn't like it. i hated being in the spot. a bald headed guy took a step forward as his face softened. i stepped back only to hit the wall. "No no no. i'm not gonna hurt you. we're not gonna hurt you Izzy." i looked at him confused. "I'm sorry but only 4 of you look a little familiar but who are you and where am i at?" i looked at the window to see the sun shinning. a brown headed guy looks at the bald guy. "She doesn't remember?" i shook my head. "My parents erase my memory every three years. don't ask me how i know or how they do it because i don't even know. brown head dude, bald dude, black haired girl, and brown haired girl looks familiar but not you three." The bald guy's face softens all the way. "I'm Dom, that's Vince. Black hair is Mia, My sister, brown hair girl is Letty, curly blonde is Brian, Tej is the black with hair and Roman is the bald black dude. you seriously don't remember?" i looked down. "no. but you didn't ask my earlier question. where and why am i here?" Dom steps closer. "I took you from your parents while you were sleeping since you always talked about wanting to leave them." i looked at him. "So you kidnapped me?" he nods, my eyes widened. "You what!"  he chuckles. "You sound the same." i ran to the room i was just in and lock the door while crying. i'm stuck with people i don't know.

Fast car kidnapping (Dominic Toretto)Where stories live. Discover now