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                      Tej, Roman, Han, and Giselle were out doing who knows what with the Spanish twins while me, Vince, Brian, Mia and Dom we here working on cars. well Mia couldn't because Brian banned her to do so since she's pregnant. Vince looked around and his eyes grew wide. "Cops!" Brian grabbed me and Mia's arms. "Run!!!" we did just that i took Mia and we ran. we were almost out when we got caught. we had to walk back with guns to our backs. Mia went to Brian and i looked around for Dom. i looked through a window to see Dom in a headlock. next thing i know Dom and Hobbs go through a window. "Dom!" i went to go forward but i couldn't. the feds stopped me. Dom raised a wrench. "Dom! Stop!" he let in down and it landed on the side of Hobbs face. i sighed relieved he didn't kill him. he got up and looked at me. he put his hands behind his head and got hand cuffed. we all did.

          we were all in the truck and i was sitting next to Dom. i had my head on his shoulder when he kissed my temple and spoke to only where he could hear me. "I'm sorry. i should've never kidnapped you in the first place." i looked at him. "If you didn't. i probably would be dead or i wouldn't be happy." he looked at me and i kissed his cheek before i went back to leaning my head on his shoulder. next thing we know we're being ambushed by reyes men. Hobbs was out and the girl cop cut us free. "Izzy! stay with Mia." i nodded and we stayed as Dom, Vince and Brian went to save the cops. they came back and vince was bleeding out. talking about his son. he looked at me. "You gotta remember Iz. for all of us. you gotta remember letty, Jesse and Leon. you got to." with that he was gone. i leaned back stunned. i remembered it all and i still haven't told anyone.

Dom's POV

               I was looking at Vince's body when Izzy came up. "i wish i could've done something." i shook my head. "You've done so much already in all of our lives Iz. you just don't remember it yet." everyone was talking about how this was a suicide mission now but i wasn't backing down and the look in Izzy's eye told me she wasn't either. she spoke. "You all can leave. but i may not remember but i know what we're doing and i'm staying and fighting because i'd rather finish what we started. with help or without." She came to me and we were gonna walk away when Hobbs started. "Toretto! little O'Conner! i'll fight with you. gotta show that son of a bitch what pain really is." we looked at each other and smiled. after that everyone was in.

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