Chapter 1: Return to Magic Part 1

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July 18, 1991

Third Person P.O.V.

The sound of an alarm clock rang through the bedroom, forcing the young tween out of her sleep. She sat up and yawned before pressing the dismiss button on the top of the loud machine. Slipping her legs out of bed and standing up she stretched, arching her back like a cat causing it to let out several loud pops. Satisfied with her stretch, she padded over to the window curtains and threw them open. Sunlight streamed into the room as the girl grinned.

"Finally! Some peace."

"For the last time, I DIDN'T DO IT!!!!"

"And I spoke too soon," the girl said, sighing as she looked towards the door.

Shaking her head, she headed for her bedroom door and opened it onto the corridor, calling,"DO YOU MIND!?!? SOME OF US ARE TRYING TO HAVE A PEACEFUL MORNING OVER HERE!!!"

"Sorry Ally!"

Alexandria closed the door, shaking her head as she went to the small bathroom a joined to the bedroom. Forty minutes later she came out wearing knee-length shorts and a plain gray t-shirt; her long red hair tied back in a ponytail and headed out. By now most people were up as it was close to 10 am on the weekend, and most people at Xavier's didn't sleep in too much.

"Morning Dria." a voice called

"Morning Scott! Do you know where The Professor is?"

"In his office last I checked. "

"Thanks!" Ally called as she slid down the banister, gently landing on the floor of the entrée way. She made her way into the kitchen and grabbed her breakfast, a plain bagel with crème cheese and a large glass of orange juice, before making her way to The Professor's study. It was an unspoken rule that the two share breakfast in the morning on the weekends so that they could discuss their schedules for the week and also have some quality time together.

Ally pushed open the door, careful not to spill the juice, before turning to face The Professor as he sat behind his large oak desk."Good morning Papa!"

Professor Charles Xavier looked up and smiled at the 10-year-old redhead in front of him, as she sat down in one of the chairs in front of his desk. "Good morning Alexandria. Am I to assume you're the one who told the boys to be quiet this morning?"

Ally let out a quiet chuckle,"You know everything that goes on in this place most of the time. But if you want me to confess to it then yes, I did tell them to shut it." She took a bite out of her bagel and chewing while smiling at Charles, who shook his head while letting out a chuckle.

"Should I also assume that you are the reason they were arguing?"He asked, a smile appearing on his face. Ally smiled evilly, her hazel eyes twinkling with mischief.

"I'm starting to think that I let you spend too much time with Scott. But enough of that, I have a few things that I want your opinion on." Ally sat forward as Charles listed off a few students that he thought were ready for training in the simulation room hidden under the school. Going between nodding her head at a few names, shaking her head and making a face at others.

"I don't think Daphne is ready yet. She understands what her mutation is and that it's not a curse but it still a bit too much for her right now. She needs a bit more time to get used to the idea that being a mutant isn't going to make you an outcast here that your powers are part of who you are. If we give her another week, I think she should be more comfortable with using it. "

Charles nodded, sometimes she had a better idea of how a person would react in certain situations than he did, even if he could read their minds.

There was a loud knock on the door a few minutes later, and Hank McCoy opened the door carrying a small stack of letters.

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