Love by the Lake

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I glanced through my window, it was ten o'clock at night and I was a little worried because I was doing this more and more, it wasn't good. Across the street I could see the light on in the second story window, a shadow pacing back and forth. We had been best friends when we were little, but we haven't talked for three years. Lately I had caught myself looking at his shadow, and I didn't know why. I crawled into my flower print comforter and shut my eyes thinking of all the memory's we've had. 

I woke up and pulled on a red v-neck and denim shorts. Quickly tying my hair into a loose side braid, I grabbed my black Nike running shoes. My dog, Bear, a beautiful lab was following me and jumping on me. I told him last night that I would take him for a walk when I got up. I leashed him up and we headed out the front door. The sun was out and it was going to be a nice day. We walked down the neatly paved road and veered off onto a little path that eventually reached the little lake were I had spent most of my summer days. 

I let Bear off his leash once we were out of the neighborhood. When we reached the lake I sat down on the swing my dad had built for me many years ago while bear chased birds. I was spaced out, staring into the sky dotted here and there with patches of clouds. " It's been a long time since we have talked." I heard a soft voice whisper behind me. Startled, I slipped off the swing and fell onto the ground. I looked up and saw Evan, my neighbor, my best friend. He was wearing black jeans that were a little skinny with a grey v-neck plus his cross necklace that never left his chest.  He had been working out and he had grown a ton. He still had that hair that I have always loved, light brown with some even lighter parts, short but a little longer on his forehead where he always gelled it to the side. The sun reflected over his crystal blue eyes. 

Now he was leaning over me with his hand out stretched. I reached up and grasped it and instantly warmness filled through me. He easily pulled me up. " Ya it has been a really long time." I responded trying not to sound lame. He looked me up and down and a slight smile played over his lips. "What are you doing here? I haven't been here since we were little." He asked me. "Sometimes I like to take Bear here for a walk, its good exercise for him. " I responded. I shouldn't be nervous I have had so  many conversations with him, but now things have changed."Ya he looks tired." His hand gestured to wear Bear was resting under that shade of a big tree. " Well whats been going on in your life?" He asked me. " I just got back from college, and I'm just trying to figure out what to do with my life." I told him. "Oh ya you went to Berkly right?" He asked me. "Ya, now tell me about your life." I questioned him. 

"I dropped out of college in year two and I have just been living at home for two years trying to sort things out. I don't know if your dad told you but for now I'm working for him, just doing some of the hard work nobody else is willing to do." Of course i remembered that.I nodded in response and went and sat on the sand patch by the water that my dad had put down. He came and sat down next to me, pretty close. I layed back and closed my eyes tightly, trying to figure out the emotions that were stirring inside of me. He layed down next to me and I could feel the earth vibrating with every breath he took. That moment was perfect, but then I realized that I was in love with him. He sat up, so I joined him.

"What are you doing tonight?" He kind of blurted out. I screamed on the inside and dug my nails into my palm to try and hide my excitment. "Nothing." I responded trying to play it cool. " Would you like to go to dinner with me?" He asked. YES YES YES! "Ya that would be fun." I said, thinking that was better then the first option. " Great I will pick you up at five, no need to dress fancy casual is good." He smiled and I started running mentally through my closet, already planning my outfit. 

About twenty minutes later he walked me home and gave me a kiss on the cheek to say goodbye. I was probably as red as my shirt. When I got home I found my phone and on it was a text from my mom saying: I won't be home till later, you have the house to yourself.: Yes!  I ran and turned on the surround sound speakers that played through my whole house, plugged in my Ipod and chose my favorite play list. Music started blaring as I ran up stairs and into a warm shower. I put my hair up in curlers and decided to start with my outfit. I searched through my closet and found the out fit that would work. It was a light blue shirt with a white vintage pattern on it, tassels of the same fabric were tied all down the front. I wore my white shorts and put in silver bow earrings. I also had on a small silver cross and a single silver bracelet. Then I did my makeup; very subtle. By the time I had finished with my hair and everything else I had a half hour left. Now was the hard part, shoes and a purse. In the end I was waiting by the door with a silver clutch and silver flats. I looked myself over in the mirror, pretty good, I thought as My light brownish blond hair curled over my shoulders. 

The doorbell rang and I waited about twenty seconds until I opened it. There he stood on the porch with a big smile dressed in grey Jeans , a light blue polo, and grey converse. His hair was extra gelled and he was wearing a Cologne that made him smell like mint, one of my favorites. He reached out his hand, his eyes asking for permission. I grasped it and are hands hung in between us intertwined. We climbed into his truck and he started driving to towards the bigger city that was about fifteen twenty minutes away from our small town. This night will be one to remember I thought to myself as we left the city.  

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