a/n and prologue(?)

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(Ahhhh... A new book....
Bruh seriously i'm going to finish this book first rather than finishing the first books lol this will just be a short story maybe 10-15 chapters?  Or less? Or more??
Well everything that you will read here is based on my dream.. Yes i had a dream of this and i remembered all of it BRUSOME RIGHT? annnd its not de vamp verse no no no idk if there is even a vamp dust XD almost all the sans here are vampires yez yez yezz and its not naj no no noo its almost like a school where humans that have special abilities and monster learn like soul eater?  XD the weapons and the ministers is that right??  Sorry i have only watched the first and second episodes of it gomen mah bruhs ahh lets just start hmm? )

The crystal high... Where monsters and special humans learn, whoah..? What is crystal high you say? Well..  Let me give you different students here,
There are vampires,ghost,warewolfs, witch, etc here and some humans are even immortal here, some have the ability to heal, be invisible, have super strength and etc.! Its a school where everyone learns in peace no war and other stuffs and this is where the scarlet family also went! What is a scarlet family you say? Well...

People called it the scarlet family because of their blood.. many rumors said that their blood is like a drug with vampires... Once they tasted it they would always want more... And some rumors also say that if you have tasted their blood you would be immortal.. Like nothing can kill you NOTHING... Well its just rumors.. They say It only works on humans.. Or maybe monsters too?

The scarlet family had went there for  generations, they where like the model of the school! Along with the vampires the two families don't really get along much in the past, but now? Well things changed the two families are friends now the vampires made a promise that they wont hurt, attack or get their blood  or they will be punished and the families will never be friends again.. Until one night...

3rd POV
A woman that has h/c hair went out of their house... It was full moon she was walking at the woods with her 6 year old  daughter, it was already midnight that time.

Going out in the middle of the night isn't really dangerous for them since they were friends with every humans and monsters in the place, and to them night is like the morning to them so, no on will hurt them... Right?  Well no wrong
While the woman with h/c hair color was walking and holding her daughter's hand, then a shadow figure was suddenly  standing in front of them, the shadow was small and it looked like a child, it had one red eye and one violet glowing eye glaring at the woman " stay back sweetie" the woman said to her 6 year old daughter
" who are you? "  the woman continued and asked the shadow figure, the shadow figure suddenly launched them self at the woman and they used their claw to scratch the woman, a glass breaking sound was heard
The woman gasped as the gem on her necklace was shattered, the gem that prevents them from being hurt, the gem that makes them immortal. "Mama!" The 6 year old girl shouted and raised a hand wanting to reach her mother. The shadow figure was now visible and it was a skeleton... A 'vampire' skeleton
Then the skeleton suddenly shot bones at the woman and it quickly killed the woman, blood was splattered everywhere the girl started tearing up as she saw her mother on the ground bones stabbed on her heart "t-traitors.. " was  the last words that the woman said, "ma...ma-" the girl looked at her lifeless mother laying on the ground her face with tears

She shouted in agony,Fear, and sadness " AHHHHHH" the skeleton was startled and looked at the girl and the body, the skeleton was shocked and ran away...

The father and guards arrived as they saw the woman laying down lifeless the girl's father kneeled down beside his wife ".. M/n..." As the tears started streaming down his face " WHO DID THIS TO YOU!?!?".....

" M'lady Y/n did you... saw who did this..? "   one of the guards asked. The girl looked at the guards and nodded and she suddenly passed out.

-This time- ( vampDust!Sans  x bestfriend reader )Where stories live. Discover now