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Jung Jaehyun,

the name had turned into a proverb in the fashion industry recently.

chosen directly by one of the most significant shareholders in a competition between universities,Jaehyun was signed to a reliable company after his graduation.

his fame of a photographer rose precipitously,yet he is now in the face of an obstacle.

never had he thought that they would encounter each other anymore.

"alright two minutes left,everybody back to your position." jaehyun announced before adjusting his equipment.

left eye closed,he glanced via the camera lens,and the least he wished for was his heart sprouting a riot.

well,there is never a worst in life but a worse.

the model in Calvin Klein navy suit fixed his gaze straight to jaehyun's dark orbs,leaving his heart sank a bit.

Lee Taeyong,
you're still the guy that looks good in everything.

compared to the detestation he held for him,he loathed himself more by vacillating just at the moment the same guy queered his pitch.

"come on jaehyun you're better than this." he muttered to himself.

he wouldn't be tripped for the second time,right?

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