You've worked hard, Jihyo

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"Take a break, Jihyo", Jeongyeon stopped the music.

Jihyo turned around, telling her she needs to practice.

"Jihyo, please... Stop doing that now... Y/n is not gonna like this if he/she knows you're doing this without a break", Jeongyeon sighed.

"Fuck... Off... I... Need... To... Prac...tice... ", she breathed heavily.

Jeongyeon went to her side and caught her in her arms when Jihyo's body gave up to work.

"Jihyo-ah! Jihyo-ah! Jihyo-ah!", she tapped her cheeks.

Jeongyeon cursed out loud as she carried her in arms to the managers.


Jihyo opened her eyes that soon went shut back when the light is the first thing greeting her.

"Finally you're awake!!!", a ×1000 loud voice piercing Jihyo's ears as soon that person saw her eyes open for a second.

'Owws, my ears'

Jihyo  opened her eyes slowly and got greeted a pair of arms around her waist with head buries down on her neck.

"Ouh, bae... Hey, why are you crying? I'm not dying, Y/n"

30 minutes later -

"You're done with crying?", Jihyo giggled as you give a nod while sniffing.

You straighten up your back, sniffing again before let out a cough. You slowly lift your hand and bring it up to her head while your other hand covering almost half of your face.

Your hand that's on her head  caressing her and patted her head gently.

"You've worked hard, Jihyo", you said.

Jihyo looks at you as she bit her inner cheeks.

"You're doing great, Jihyo", you mumbled, patting her head for a few times before taking your hand back to your side.

"No", Jihyo whispered.

"N... No?", you look at with her confusion.

Jihyo takes your hand instead of explaining and answering you. Her thumb grazing your hand then bring it up to her head.

"I like it when you pat me", she smiled.


You moved your hand and pat her head. Jihyo hums at your gentle, soft pat as she shut her eyes.

"Don't ever do that again to yourself", you said, sighing softly.

"What do you mean, Y/n?", you stopped patting her for a second before continuing back with...

"Overwork yourself. I don't want that. You're doing perfectly fine. They're just jealous that they don't have visual looks like you"

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