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It's a bit non-sense. Sorry!!!

Neutral  (first person pov)

I never thought I would share my sunset view with a female idol. She trusted me so much that she let out some rants to me without facing each other as either one of us standing behind each other with a gap or even just sit next to each other closely without too much glancing at each other.

"Today is even beautiful day", Park Jihyo sighed.

I silently nodded at her while eyes glued to the view.

Now how we get so close?

It's all started right back at few months ago—

Around 4-5 months ago

I got fired from my favourite job as a devil  accused me something I don't know about.

I did try my best to defend myself but that devil  has someone to back up — that wrench has a connection what kind of connection the two have... I dunno  with the boss so it's kinda impossible the boss to throw that wrench.


Here I am...

Buying 2 bottles of soju and a bag of chips - salty one.

I drove my way to the beach and left my car with all things but my sojus and chips.

I stepped down from my car to the warm sand barefooted. Walking to the blue ocean with laziness, I dropped my ass to the ground with my feet toward the ocean.

Letting the water hitting my feet as I enjoyed the peacefulness and calmness. There's indistinct voices from here and there but that...that doesn't change the peacefulness I felt right now.

I slowly inhaling the smell of the beach and let it out through my mouth.

"30 minutes, there will be the sunset", I said to myself while my hands busily putting my things down beside me.

I didn't forget to take my precious soju in my grasp then settling myself next to my things as I waited for the beautiful sun setting down.

Seconds turned into minutes then slowly turning into hours as the time passed by.

By the perfect time it is going to set down, I heard light footsteps coming from my behind but I didn't bothered to look at the person because.... Seeing the sun set is more important than her or him.

I thought ignoring the person could get my peacefulness instead...

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! FUCK YOU AND YOUR STUPID LIFE!!!", the person - she - screamed to the ocean.

When she did that, she instantly grab my attention from watching the sun and make my eyes set on her.

I glared at her - who's now shutting her eyes and trying to catch her breath.

"What the hell, sis", I mumbled.

But then, I looked at her back when her face reminds me of someone I always get to see on screen.

I narrowed my eyes and I oop —

Yah, it's Park Jihyo!! What the hell indeed!! What's she doing here without anyone around!!?

Right on that time, the sun already set while I'm busy staring at Park Jihyo.

That moment.... I become her 입덕 (ipdeok:hardcore stan).

B.... Beautiful....

That day onwards... We get to meet each other through the sunset. Every time it happened, we slowly building up our closeness even though we don't talk to each other.... Until that one day —

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