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The following characters and places belong to Hallmark Channel and I do not own any of it. This is just a one-shot from an idea that was expressed on the Facebook fan page of When Calls the Heart. Oh and it is poorly edited, sorry I am horrible at grammar and things like that. THANK YOU FOR GIVING THIS A CHANCE!


Chapter 1

"Miss. Thatcher", Ephraim Noonan said at the end of class after all the other children has left, "My momma was wondering if you could watch the twins for her while we were gone over the weekend! She's gotta go to that lumber town 20 miles south a here to help 'er family."

"Well of course I would love to babysit your beautiful twin siblings!" Miss. Thatcher explained. "Your momma can come over to the cafe tonight and we can work out the details. Can you tell her that Ephraim ?"

"Yes ma'am!" He said before scampering off as Elizabeth started to clean up the school room transforming it back into a saloon.

She heard the sound of boots walking across the wood floor of the 'shaloon'; she turned and smiled, before her was Jack - the love of her life. What surprised her was that he was out of uniform. "Hello Jack, what brings you here this sunny afternoon?"

He smiled, "The beautiful school teacher of this fine town, I was wondering if maybe you had seen her?" He asked a smile on his face giving away his joke as he steadily walked forward towards Elizabeth. His arms out ready to wrap around her in a loose embrace. The sound of her musical giggle filled the air as his fingers brushed over her side.

"I do believe I saw her around here somewhere..." Was Elizabeth's reply.

Jack laughed, happy that she had played along, "Well thank you for your help I do believe I have found my Miss Elizabeth Thatcher!" He bent down giving her a quick chaste kiss on the lips, before gently pulling away and helping her rearrange the 'shaloon' as the school children jokingly called the building now. "Anything new with you, Elizabeth?"

"Actually there is!" She said with an excited smile, " I get to babysit the twins this weekend!"

"Both of them, alone?" Jack said he looked up at Elizabeth and realized his miss -step.

"In case you have forgotten Mrs. Noonan is taking care of those twins and her young boy all by herself!" Was Elizabeth's quick reply.

"And she's had practice with raising children before because of Ephraim. I'm just saying you may need another set of hands." He said as he walked over and grabbed Elizabeths hands, smiling.

Elizabeth's continence changing, "If you're not to busy would you like to stop by and provide some helping hands?" Elizabeth asked, forgiving Jack for his slight inability to express himself through words. She immediately thought of the sketch she had on her dresser leaning up against the mirror that he had drawn for her that fate full day Jack told Elizabeth not to leave him or Coal Valley. She smiled thinking about it, almost missing Jacks affirmative answer to her question.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world" he whispered leaning his forehead against hers before saying, "But sadly, as much as I would love to stay here I have to go back to work, goodbye my love, I will see you soon."

"Abigail," Elizabeth called as she walked through the doors of the cafe, " I just figure I should double check with you; it'll be alright if I babysit the twins over the weekend won't it?" "Elizabeth I love children of course it's alright Mrs. Noonan has to visit her family to help them for a weekend her children are more than welcome to stay here and besides the cafe is closed on Sundays anyway so it won't be a bother!" Came Abigail's reply.

Elizabeth smiled again, she had been smiling a lot lately especially since the trial wrapped up and every one was brought to justice.

A knock came on the front door, that sounded more like a kick. Both women rushed to the door, opening it to find Mrs. Noonan and the twins who were being expertly held be their mother. Elizabeth smiled and gladly offered some help by reaching out and taking one of the twins, that look of adoration and love on her face that people get when they hold a small child in their arms. Gently bouncing a swaying the baby back and forth.

Out of nowhere Jack appeared gladly taking the other baby off of Mrs. Noonans' hands.

"Elizabeth, I know you said to come over to night to talk to you but I figured you," she paused looking at Jack and Elizabeth holding her children so lovingly, " you two could just hold them and I could talk with Abigail." Mrs. Noonan said Elizabeth distractedly nodded her head while staring at the baby in her arms.

"Abigail!," Mrs.Noonan called as she walked off towards the kitchen ,"I got some formula for you to feed them while I am gone. I figured it was the only option and I pray it won't hurt them, drinking it for two days. I normally wouldn't formula feed them but I can't take them 20 miles away by carriage and my family really needs the help and they don't have any one else to ask!" Mrs. Noonan said getting teary-eyed.

Abigail quickly soothed her, "It will be perfectly fine. I'm sure The Lord will keep you and your children safe. And they are clearly in good hands!" Abigail said with a small chuckle as she nodded over to Jack and Elizabeth who, un-benounced to them, we're swaying in unison softly humming the same lullaby, lost in the sleeping faces of the handsome twins.

Mrs. Noonan giggled, "just wait until the get married and have kids!" Which sent Abigail into a fit of giggles as she she picture what a hand full having little Jacks and Elizabeth's running around would be, "Lord help them and give them patience!" Abigail replied.

Mrs. Noonan and Abigail's joyful laughter filled the room breaking Jack and Elizabeth out of their trances. They looked up. Jack winked and smiled because he had heard every thing they had said, his Mountie training kicking in unconsciously.

But Elizabeth looked up confused, "What is so funny, you two?" She asked.

Mrs. Noonan and Abigail simultaneously said, "Nothing!" Which Elizabeth didn't believe for a moment because they had twin cheshashire cat smiles on there faces.

"Well, Abigail and I have figured every thing out and I'm not worried about you Elizabeth, you are around children every day and have a younger sister who told me you took care of her often when she was newborn." Mrs. Noonan exclaimed, walking towards the two to pick up her children.

Jack shied away, "I have no doubt that you are fully capable of taking the twins home by yourself but as a gentlemen I simply can not allow you to go un- escorted."

Mrs. Noonan smiled and said, "Another pair of hands is always welcomed!"

As soon as the worlds left her mouth a triumphant smile came across Jacks face and he glanced at Elizabeth who rolled her eyes, mumbling, " Alright you were right!"

Mrs. Noonan and Jack then headed towards the door while saying goodbye to the two females .

" What was that look all about my dear Elizabeth?" Questioned Abigail after the two had left. Elizabeth laughed and answered telling Abigail about how Jack would be coming over for part of the weekend to give her another set of hands, helping take care of the twins.

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