Chapter 3

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***a week earlier at Elizabeth's parents house***

"Darling we haven't heard back from Elizabeth about the school position yet! And it's been a month." Mrs. Thatcher exclaimed to her husband just as Julie Thatcher walked into the room.

"I told you mother she isn't leaving that little Coal mining town, she loves it there!"

"Well then we must go to visit her then and try to talk some sense into her into coming home!" Mrs. Thatcher exclaimed. Not that she wasn't proud or happy for her daughter; on the contrary, she could often be found bragging about her daughter that oh so bravely traveled west. Even so that didn't change the fact that she missed her daughter terribly and wanted to see first hand that Elizabeth was safe.

Mrs. Thatcher was also dying to meet the infamous 'Mountie Jack' that Julie talked about, was he really the right man for Elizabeth Mrs. Thatcher wondered. Julie seemed to think so and maybe she was right ever since Julie came back from her visit she had been more cautious around the men she allowed to court her or whom she flirted with. Her naive little Julie had finally grown up some and both Mr. & Mrs. Thatcher were thankfully for that. Mrs. Thatcher was brought back from her thoughts by her husband, "Dear, we don't have to convince her to come home if she really must come home she will."

Stubborn as ever Mrs. Thatcher insisted that they go to visit there daughter.

"But mother I just returned home from the long travel there, not that I wouldn't be ecstatic to go visit again but...." Julie trailed off hoping it would dissuade her mother from making the long trip down.

But alas all 3 were at the train station that evening headed towards coal valley for a small vacation and visit.

Julie loved her mother dearly but had to admit she could come up with some far fetched ideas at times.

Mrs. Thatcher had every body In such a rush to go visit her daughter that a telegram was not sent to warn poor Elizabeth of her families arrival.*******************

(A/N: sorry if the next time sequences is confusing it jumps around between P.O.V)

***Back inside the café when Elizabeth is alone babysitting the twins***

She was startled when the sound of the back door opened until she heard the soft, loving voice of Jack calling out her name. She quietly walked over towards Jack one twin in her arms.

Jack looked up at the sound of softly approaching feet to see Elizabeth smiling, walking towards him, with one of the twins tucked safely in her arms he smiled broad and bright at the sight of it.

"What?" Elizabeth asked seeing Jacks joyful smile.

"Nothing I just wouldn't mind getting used to this." He said as he walked behind a swaying Elizabeth as she held the little boy with his head in her left arm. Jack sided up behind her on her left and softly played with the little boys feet as his left hand went around Elizabeth's waist pulling her closer to him. Neither of them had heard the door open, for the first time in ever Jacks 'Mountie 6th sense' had failed him because he was to entranced by Elizabeth.

She turned her head to look up at Jack, leaning back into him. "I love you, my only!" He whispered before bending down to kiss her on the lips lightly.

"I love yo-" Elizabeth started to say before a noise startled them both from across the room. 2 collective gasps of horror and shock and 1 small giggle. Jack and Elizabeth both turned, looking slightly guilty for being caught.

***The Thatchers pulling up outside in C.V***

The stage couch pulled up and a man and 2 women exited. Julie exclaimed, "Mother, Father that is Jack the Mountie I have been telling you about!" As they watched him walk behind to the back of the cafe. Mrs. Thatcher wondered as to why he didn't use the front door.

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