Love's Poison

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Love may be a wonderful experience for some, but for me, it feels like a powerful poison, capable of causing profound pain. I often wish I could change my past—particularly that moment I first laid eyes on Kevin. It was a sunny day, a day that seemed ordinary at first, but little did I know, it would forever alter the course of my life.

My friend and I were jogging through the park, enjoying the gentle warmth of the sun on our skin and the cool breeze ruffling our hair. The vibrant colors of blooming flowers surrounded us, but our laughter faded as we approached a small pond. There, we spotted a puppy, struggling in the water, its tiny body flailing in a desperate attempt to stay afloat.

"We have to help it!" I exclaimed, adrenaline coursing through me.

Before we could devise a plan, a young man appeared seemingly out of nowhere. He leaped into the pond without hesitation, water splashing around him as he swam toward the puppy. I stood frozen, my heart racing, mesmerized by his bravery. He emerged from the water, cradling the shivering puppy in his arms, and I felt an inexplicable connection to him in that moment.

I wanted to thank him, to say something meaningful, but before I could gather my thoughts, he simply walked away, leaving me standing there, feeling lost and longing. I thought it would be the first and last time I'd see him.

But fate had other plans.

A Life-Changing Accident

Two weeks later, a day arrived that would forever haunt me—a day I would never forget. My friends and I were at the beach, the sound of waves crashing against the shore filling the air. We played netball, laughter echoing as we tossed the ball back and forth, completely absorbed in our fun.

Suddenly, our ball flew into the water. "Go get it, Moony!" my friends urged.

I hesitated, glancing at the shimmering waves, but the challenge ignited a competitive spark in me. I jogged toward the water, bent down to retrieve the ball, and without warning, a massive wave surged forward, pulling me into the ocean.

Panic gripped me. I fought against the tide, kicking and thrashing, but my strength waned. The salty water stung my eyes as I struggled to keep my head above the surface. My friends shouted, their voices distant echoes in my ears, lost in the chaos of my fear. I could feel the darkness creeping in as exhaustion enveloped me.

Just when I thought all hope was lost, I felt a strong grip around my waist, pulling me back toward the shore. Gasping for air, I collapsed on the sand, coughing up water. As I looked up, I saw him—Kevin. The same young man from the park, his expression a mix of concern and relief.

"You're okay now," he reassured me, his voice warm and soothing. But before I could express my gratitude, I was whisked away to the hospital, where everything became a blur.

When I regained consciousness three days later, the sterile smell of antiseptic greeted me. Panic shot through me as I looked around, confusion clouding my thoughts.

"What happened?" I croaked, my throat dry.

"You were caught in a wave at the beach," my friend said, her voice trembling. "Kevin saved you."

My heart raced. "Did you get his number? I need to thank him!" I pressed, my mind racing with gratitude.

"I'm so sorry, Moony. We were so worried about you that we didn't think to ask."

A wave of disappointment washed over me. I felt a mix of guilt and regret for not being able to thank the person who had risked his life for mine.

Fate's Unwelcome Return

Two weeks later, as I sat in the college library, I tried to focus on my studies. But the memory of Kevin lingered like an unshakable shadow. To my astonishment, he walked in, the sunlight catching his features, making him look almost ethereal.

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